The Practitioner’s Guide to Scaling Infrastructure as Code

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Terraform on AWS – Deploying AWS Resources

terraform aws tutorial

AWS has revolutionized the cloud infrastructure space, providing a robust platform for hosting groundbreaking software applications. With AWS, users can rapidly deploy and scale applications, adapting to changing demands without the burden of costly hardware or infrastructure investments. 

Pairing AWS with Terraform unlocks even greater potential. Terraform, with its Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach, streamlines the provisioning and management of AWS resources. Together, AWS and Terraform offer a comprehensive solution that ensures consistency, repeatability, and automation in deploying and managing cloud infrastructure.

What we will cover:

  1. What is Terraform?
  2. What is Terraform used for in AWS?
  3. Advantages of using Terraform on AWS
  4. Terraform AWS example: Deploying resources using Terraform with AWS
  5. Best practices for AWS and Terraform
  6. Managing Terraform with Spacelift

What is Terraform?

Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows you to manage your infrastructure with configuration files rather than through a graphical user interface. The configuration files are plain text having the .tf extension or JSON based having the extension .tf.json. Terraform uses the HCL language to provision resources from different infrastructure providers. 

Everything in Terraform happens with three simple steps:

  • Initialize (terraform init) – Install the plugins Terraform needs to manage the infrastructure.
  • Plan (terraform plan) – Preview the changes Terraform will make to match your configuration.
  • Apply (terraform apply) – Make the planned changes.

The diagram below shows a typical Terraform workflow:

terraform workflow

What is Terraform used for in AWS?

Terraform can be used in AWS to automate the provisioning and management of a wide range of cloud infrastructure resources. This includes defining and deploying compute instances (such as EC2 instances), networking components (like VPCs, subnets, and security groups), storage solutions (such as S3 buckets and EBS volumes), database instances (including RDS and DynamoDB), serverless functions (using AWS Lambda) and more.

As of May 2024, the Terraform AWS provider has 1366 resources and 557 data sources covering nearly all use cases.

Why you should use Terraform on AWS?

There are many benefits to using Terraform with AWS, some of which are:

  • Multi-cloud support Terraform supports various cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, allowing users to manage resources across multi-cloud environments effortlessly.
  • Human-readable configuration —Terraform lets you define resources and infrastructure in human-readable, declarative configuration files to manage your infrastructure’s lifecycle.
  • Declarative configuration — With Terraform, you declare the desired state of your infrastructure using simple configuration .tf files. Terraform then automatically determines the actions needed to reach that state, reducing the complexity of managing infrastructure changes manually.
  • State managementTerraform maintains a state file that records the current state of deployed infrastructure. This state file serves as a source of truth and helps Terraform understand what changes need to be applied to achieve the desired state, facilitating idempotent deployments and preventing drift.
  • Plan and preview — Terraform’s plan and preview functionality allows you to preview the changes that will be applied to your infrastructure before actually executing them. This helps in identifying potential issues, verifying configurations, and ensuring desired outcomes.
  • Automating workflows —Terraform supports the automation of infrastructure provisioning and management workflows through integration with CI/CD pipelines, helping to achieve continuous integration and delivery.
  • Modularity and reusability — Terraform supports the modularization of infrastructure configurations through reusable modules. You can create custom modules or leverage existing modules from the Terraform Registry, enabling code reuse, standardization, and best practices.
  • Infrastructure orchestration —Terraform facilitates the orchestration of complex infrastructure deployments by defining dependencies between resources and ensuring proper order of creation and destruction. This helps in building and managing interconnected systems easily.
  • Resource graph —Terraform builds a dependency graph of your infrastructure resources, enabling efficient execution of infrastructure changes. Based on dependencies, it determines the optimal order of resource creation, updates, or deletion, ensuring safe and predictable deployments.

If you need any help managing your Terraform infrastructure, building more complex workflows based on Terraform, and managing AWS credentials per run, instead of using a static pair on your local machine, Spacelift is a fantastic tool for this. It supports Git workflows, policy as code, programmatic configuration, context sharing, drift detection, and many more great features right out of the box.

Terraform AWS example: Deploying resources using Terraform with AWS

Deploying AWS resources with Terraform showcases the power of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to simplify and automate cloud infrastructure management. In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to use Terraform to provision, configure, and manage AWS services.

Using Terraform with AWS involves the following steps:

  1. Install Terraform and AWS CLI
  2. Create Terraform configuration files
  3. Configure AWS provider block
  4. Create an EC2 instance resource in AWS
  5. Provision AWS resources
  6. Modify the infrastructure deployed by Terraform
  7. Set up AWS S3 as a remote backend
  8. Attach the security group
  9. Create a module for the EC2 instance
  10. Clean up

1. Install Terraform and AWS CLI

Before we begin working on AWS, ensure that the Terraform CLI is installed and your AWS credentials are configured. If you haven’t done this yet, follow these steps:

  1. Install Terraform
  2. Set up AWS credentials and AWS Access Key

2. Create Terraform configuration files

To get started with Terraform, the first step is to tell Terraform that you will be deploying your infrastructure on AWS. We can do this by configuring the AWS cloud provider plugin.

Add the block with its name as aws in the file. Once you initialize the plugin, Terraform will use this information to take care of the rest and set up everything it needs to deploy your resources on AWS.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 5.0"

Initialize your configuration

 Let’s run the terraform init command to start initializing provider plugins and set up the configuration.

terraform aws backend

We successfully initialized our configuration. Terraform finds and installs the right plugin to successfully initialize itself.

Examine what happens when you run terraform init (Optional)

If you don’t like leaving anything to the imagination, you can explore the current directory to see what changes Terraform made.

install terraform and aws cli

Looks like Terraform created a new file .terraform.lock.hcl and a hidden folder .terraform.

If you open the .terraform.lock.hcl file, we will see that as the name suggests it’s a lock file locking the version of the providers it used for deterministic initialization(same version installation) every time.

terraform lock hcl

Exploring the .terraform folder, we will find that it stores the binaries of the initialized providers.

terraform with aws provider

That’s it. We just demystified the mystery behind terraform init 😎

3. Configure Terraform AWS provider block

The next step is to configure the AWS provider block, which accepts various config parameters. We will start by specifying the region to deploy the infra in, us-east-1.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 5.0"

# Configure the AWS Provider
provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

That’s it. We are ready to create our very first resource via Terraform.

4. Create an EC2 instance resource in AWS

The docs are your best friend when working with Terraform. The first step is to refer to the AWS provider docs page and look for the resources for the EC2 service. 

It can be overwhelming to see a bunch of resources at once. But the key is to look for exactly what satisfies our use case. In our case, it is the aws_instance resource.

terraform aws resource example

Looking at the description, it looks like we are heading in the right direction.

Again, from the docs, we know that there are two mandatory attributes to the aws_instance resource:

  • ami
  • Instance_type

Let’s use the Amazon Linux AMI(ami-0bb84b8ffd87024d8) and t2.micro instance type. Both are free tier eligible.

terraform aws ami
terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 5.0"

# Configure the AWS Provider
provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

resource "aws_instance" "first_ec2_instance" {
  ami           = "ami-0bb84b8ffd87024d8"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

Remember, ami and instance_type are mandatory arguments, but we can provide a lot more arguments to be more specific about how we want to deploy our EC2 instance. For example, we can specify attributes like security_groups, ipv6_addresses, and more. We will come back to this later.

5. Provision AWS resources

The next step is to review if the planned changes match our expectations.

Run Terraform commands: Plan

The terraform plan command shows a preview of the planned changes. Let’s run it and examine the changes.

➜  terraform plan
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # aws_instance.web will be created
  + resource "aws_instance" "first_ec2_instance" {
  	+ ami                              	= "ami-0bb84b8ffd87024d8"
  	+ arn                              	= (known after apply)
  	+ associate_public_ip_address      	= (known after apply)
  	+ availability_zone                	= (known after apply)
  	+ cpu_core_count                   	= (known after apply)
  	+ cpu_threads_per_core             	= (known after apply)
  	+ disable_api_stop                 	= (known after apply)
  	+ disable_api_termination          	= (known after apply)
  	+ ebs_optimized                    	= (known after apply)
  	+ get_password_data                	= false
  	+ host_id                          	= (known after apply)
  	+ host_resource_group_arn          	= (known after apply)
  	+ iam_instance_profile             	= (known after apply)
  	+ id                               	= (known after apply)
  	+ instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior = (known after apply)
  	+ instance_lifecycle               	= (known after apply)
  	+ instance_state                   	= (known after apply)
  	+ instance_type                    	= "t2.micro"
  	+ ipv6_address_count               	= (known after apply)
  	+ ipv6_addresses                   	= (known after apply)
  	+ key_name                         	= (known after apply)
  	+ monitoring                       	= (known after apply)
  	+ outpost_arn                      	= (known after apply)
  	+ password_data                    	= (known after apply)
  	+ placement_group                  	= (known after apply)
  	+ placement_partition_number       	= (known after apply)
  	+ primary_network_interface_id     	= (known after apply)
  	+ private_dns                      	= (known after apply)
  	+ private_ip                       	= (known after apply)
  	+ public_dns                       	= (known after apply)
  	+ public_ip                        	= (known after apply)
  	+ secondary_private_ips            	= (known after apply)
  	+ security_groups                  	= (known after apply)
  	+ source_dest_check                	= true
  	+ spot_instance_request_id         	= (known after apply)
  	+ subnet_id                        	= (known after apply)
  	+ tags_all                         	= (known after apply)
  	+ tenancy                          	= (known after apply)
  	+ user_data                        	= (known after apply)
  	+ user_data_base64                 	= (known after apply)
  	+ user_data_replace_on_change      	= false
  	+ vpc_security_group_ids           	= (known after apply)

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Notice that because we didn’t explicitly specify many attributes, they will be known after apply. As we discussed earlier, we can configure many of these if we want.

Run Terraform commands: Apply

Once we verify the planned changes. We will deploy the changes to AWS via the terraform apply command.

➜  terraform apply

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # aws_instance.first_ec2_instance will be created
  + resource "aws_instance" "first_ec2_instance" {
  	+ ami                              	= "ami-0bb84b8ffd87024d8"
  	+ arn                              	= (known after apply)
  	+ associate_public_ip_address      	= (known after apply)
  	+ availability_zone                	= (known after apply)
  	+ cpu_core_count                   	= (known after apply)
  	+ cpu_threads_per_core             	= (known after apply)
  	+ disable_api_stop                 	= (known after apply)
  	+ disable_api_termination          	= (known after apply)
  	+ ebs_optimized                    	= (known after apply)
  	+ get_password_data                	= false
  	+ host_id                          	= (known after apply)
  	+ host_resource_group_arn          	= (known after apply)
  	+ iam_instance_profile             	= (known after apply)
  	+ id                               	= (known after apply)
  	+ instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior = (known after apply)
  	+ instance_lifecycle               	= (known after apply)
  	+ instance_state                   	= (known after apply)
  	+ instance_type                    	= "t2.micro"
  	+ ipv6_address_count               	= (known after apply)
  	+ ipv6_addresses                   	= (known after apply)
  	+ key_name                         	= (known after apply)
  	+ monitoring                       	= (known after apply)
  	+ outpost_arn                      	= (known after apply)
  	+ password_data                    	= (known after apply)
  	+ placement_group                  	= (known after apply)
  	+ placement_partition_number       	= (known after apply)
  	+ primary_network_interface_id     	= (known after apply)
  	+ private_dns                      	= (known after apply)
  	+ private_ip                       	= (known after apply)
  	+ public_dns                       	= (known after apply)
  	+ public_ip                        	= (known after apply)
  	+ secondary_private_ips            	= (known after apply)
  	+ security_groups                  	= (known after apply)
  	+ source_dest_check                	= true
  	+ spot_instance_request_id         	= (known after apply)
  	+ subnet_id                        	= (known after apply)
  	+ tags_all                         	= (known after apply)
  	+ tenancy                          	= (known after apply)
  	+ user_data                        	= (known after apply)
  	+ user_data_base64                 	= (known after apply)
  	+ user_data_replace_on_change      	= false
  	+ vpc_security_group_ids           	= (known after apply)

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value:

Confirm the changes by typing “yes”.

deploying aws resources on terraform

Awesome! You just created your first EC2 instance via Terraform.

6. Modify the infrastructure deployed by Terraform

Remember, we mentioned state management as one of the benefits of using Terraform. What does it really mean, though?

Let’s try running the terraform plan command again.

refresh terraform state

Interesting! Terraform seems to remember that it has already deployed this infrastructure. Let’s examine the current directory structure.

aws resources with terraform

Seems like Terraform sneakily created another tf file called terraform.tfstate after we deployed our infrastructure. Let’s examine its contents.

terraform aws tutorial

It looks like Terraform is keeping track of all resources it deployed along with their attributes. 

Let’s make a small change to the EC2 machine we deployed earlier. We will add the Name tag to the AWS instance.

resource "aws_instance" "first_ec2_instance" {
  ami       	= "ami-0bb84b8ffd87024d8"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  tags = {
	Name = "My first EC2 instance"

Let’s run the terraform plan command again and see what Terraform does.

terraform aws instance plan

As expected Terraform can not only detect that there is a change but exactly knows what the change is and how to deploy it. Interestingly, it can even tell that it’s a non-destructive change (not requiring instance replacement).

Let’s apply the changes via the terraform apply command.

aws ec2 instance
aws instances

The changes are being reflected on the EC2 instance 🎉

7. Set up AWS S3 as a remote backend

Earlier, we learned that Terraform maintains a state for all changes locally. But what happens when more than one person is maintaining and changing the infrastructure or when your CI/CD pipeline is applying these changes? It’s easy to face conflicts in the state, leading to unexpected changes.

Terraform solves this problem with a feature called remote backend. A backend defines where Terraform stores its state files. We can configure the backend to host the state files remotely, centrally accessible to everyone. It is also possible to enable state locking to make sure that only a single person is allowed to make changes at a time.

Spacelift can optionally manage the Terraform state for you, offering a backend synchronized with the rest of the platform to maximize convenience and security. You also get the ability to import your state during stack creation, which is very useful for engineers who are migrating their old configurations and states to Spacelift.

There are numerous options for remote backend configuration. Since we are working with AWS, we will go with S3.

The S3 backend stores the state file in the specified Amazon S3 bucket. Optionally, we can also enable state locking and consistency checking by setting the dynamodb_table field to an existing DynamoDB table name.

To configure the remote backend, we will create a file named You can choose a different name for the file if you want. We will specify the bucket name to store the state file in and the key name as the name of the state file.
terraform {
  backend "s3" {
	bucket = "spacelift-terraform-aws-state"
	key	= "terraform.tfstate"
	region = "us-east-1"

Next, we will manually create a bucket with the name spacelift-terraform-aws-state via the AWS console in the us-east-1 region.

Best practice: It is highly recommended to enable Bucket Versioning on the S3 bucket to allow for state recovery in the case of accidental deletions and human error.

Permissions: Terraform needs the following AWS IAM permissions on the target backend bucket to work properly:

  • s3:ListBucket on arn:aws:s3:::mybucket. At a minimum, this must be able to list the path where the state is stored.
  • s3:GetObject on arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/path/to/my/key
  • s3:PutObject on arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/path/to/my/key

The next step is to run the terraform plan again and see what happens.

terraform on aws plan

Interesting! Terraform rightly detects that there’s a change in the backend from local to s3 and informs us to re-initialize the backend.

Let’s re-initialize with the terraform init command and see what happens.

terraform aws init

Terraform is smart enough to suggest copying the local state to our remote backend instead of re-creating the state with new resources.

Type “yes” to copy the state to the remote backend.

aws plugin

Now that our remote backend has been configured, let’s run the terraform plan command again.

using terraform on aws

The plan shows no infrastructure changes, which means things worked as expected 🙂

We successfully used Terraform to create and manage our infrastructure. In the next section, we will try to create a new security group for our EC2 instance, which refers to an existing subnet (manually created resource outside of Terraform).

8. Attach the security group

Terraform allows us to read and refer to existing resources in our configuration via data resources. We use them the same way we use any other Terraform resources, except they are data blocks instead of resource blocks.

To be able to read a subnet, we need to specify its ID.

data "aws_subnet" "private_subnet" {
  id = "subnet-068ec871d50e0b521"

Let’s run terraform plan command to see if there are any changes.

private subnet terraform plan

Notice that even though there are no infrastructure changes, Terraform reads the aws_subnet data resource.

We will now refer to this data resource in the new security group.

data "aws_subnet" "private_subnet" {
  id = "subnet-068ec871d50e0b521"

resource "aws_security_group" "ec2_sg" {
  vpc_id = data.aws_subnet.private_subnet.vpc_id

  ingress {
	cidr_blocks = [data.aws_subnet.private_subnet.cidr_block]
	from_port   = 80
	to_port 	= 80
	protocol	= "tcp"

Let’s run the terraform plan command again to review the changes.

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # aws_security_group.ec2_sg will be created
  + resource "aws_security_group" "ec2_sg" {
  	+ arn                	= (known after apply)
  	+ description        	= "Managed by Terraform"
  	+ egress             	= (known after apply)
  	+ id                 	= (known after apply)
  	+ ingress            	= [
      	+ {
          	+ cidr_blocks  	= [
              	+ "",
          	+ description  	= ""
          	+ from_port    	= 80
          	+ ipv6_cidr_blocks = []
          	+ prefix_list_ids  = []
          	+ protocol     	= "tcp"
          	+ security_groups  = []
          	+ self         	= false
          	+ to_port      	= 80
  	+ name               	= (known after apply)
  	+ name_prefix        	= (known after apply)
  	+ owner_id           	= (known after apply)
  	+ revoke_rules_on_delete = false
  	+ tags_all           	= (known after apply)
  	+ vpc_id             	= "vpc-00af729734190f131"

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Notice that you can actually see the CIDR block and VPC ID, as they already exist and were read by the data block. Finally, let’s apply the changes via the terraform apply command.

create aws security group terraform

The last thing remaining is to attach this security group to our EC2 machine. We can do this by referring to the security group in our EC2 resource the same way we did for the data resource.

resource "aws_instance" "first_ec2_instance" {
  ami         	= "ami-0bb84b8ffd87024d8"
  instance_type   = "t2.micro"
  vpc_security_group_ids = []
  tags = {
	Name = "My first EC2 instance"

Let’s run the terraform plan command to review the changes.

Interesting! Terraform, again is smart enough to understand that we are only changing the security group.

terraform apply aws

Let’s apply the changes via the terraform apply command.

apply complete terraform aws

Now that we are happy with the configuration we provided to our EC2 machine, how can we use this identical configuration every time to create EC2 instances? Should we copy and paste it every time?

This is where Terraform modules come into the picture.

9. Create a module for the EC2 instance

Modules are containers for multiple resources that are used together. A module consists of a collection of .tf and/or .tf.json files kept together in a directory. They are the main way to package and reuse resource configurations with Terraform.

We will start by creating a new directory named modules at the root of the folder where we will keep all our modules. Next, we will create another directory named custom-ec2 inside the module directory to store our new module.

Finally, we will create a new file named in this directory and copy and paste all resources related to the EC2 instance.

# modules/custom-ec2/
data "aws_subnet" "private_subnet" {
  id = "subnet-068ec871d50e0b521"

resource "aws_security_group" "ec2_sg" {
  vpc_id = data.aws_subnet.private_subnet.vpc_id

  ingress {
	cidr_blocks = [data.aws_subnet.private_subnet.cidr_block]
	from_port   = 80
	to_port 	= 80
	protocol	= "tcp"

resource "aws_instance" "first_ec2_instance" {
  ami                	= "ami-0bb84b8ffd87024d8"
  instance_type      	= "t2.micro"
  vpc_security_group_ids = []
  tags = {
	Name = "My first EC2 instance"

That’s it. Now, we can start reusing all the code within this module simply by referring to it.

We will refer to our newly created module inside the file at the project root using the module block.

module "custom_ec2" {
  source = "./modules/custom-ec2"

Let’s run the terraform plan command to review the changes.

terraform aws error

Terraform points out that the new module is not installed and asks us to run the terraform init command to install the new module. Let’s do that.

terraform ec2 example

Terraform now additionally installs the referred modules in the .terraform directory. Let’s examine its contents.

terraform aws modules

Terraform created a new directory named modules containing the modules.json file. This file tracks the source and some other metadata about the modules used.

Let’s continue and run the terraform plan command to review the changes.

terraform plan example

As expected, Terraform plans to create two new resources, which are a part of the custom-ec2 module we created earlier.

Modules help package all related resources together. We can use modules by simply referring to them. There are a lot of modules that we can use created by the official providers or by the Terraform community. In the next section, we will look at one of the most popular modules: terraform-aws-modules.

Terraform AWS modules

As of June 2024, terraform-aws-modules has 56 modules. We will explore one of the most popular modules: terraform-aws-modules/iam. It has numerous sub-modules, in our example, we will try using the terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-user sub-module. 

Let’s add it to the file. 

module "iam_user" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-user"
  name      	= "spacelift.user"
  force_destroy = true
  pgp_key = "keybase:test"
  password_reset_required = false

We will re-initialize via the terraform init command so that Terraform downloads this module for use.

terraform on aws

Next, let’s run the terraform plan command to review the changes.

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # module.iam_user.aws_iam_access_key.this[0] will be created
  + resource "aws_iam_access_key" "this" {
  	+ create_date                	= (known after apply)
  	+ encrypted_secret           	= (known after apply)
  	+ encrypted_ses_smtp_password_v4 = (known after apply)
  	+ id                         	= (known after apply)
  	+ key_fingerprint            	= (known after apply)
  	+ pgp_key                    	= "keybase:test"
  	+ secret                     	= (sensitive value)
  	+ ses_smtp_password_v4       	= (sensitive value)
  	+ status                     	= "Active"
  	+ user                       	= "spacelift.user"

  # module.iam_user.aws_iam_user.this[0] will be created
  + resource "aws_iam_user" "this" {
  	+ arn       	= (known after apply)
  	+ force_destroy = true
  	+ id        	= (known after apply)
  	+ name      	= "spacelift.user"
  	+ path      	= "/"
  	+ tags_all  	= (known after apply)
  	+ unique_id 	= (known after apply)

  # module.iam_user.aws_iam_user_login_profile.this[0] will be created
  + resource "aws_iam_user_login_profile" "this" {
  	+ encrypted_password  	= (known after apply)
  	+ id                  	= (known after apply)
  	+ key_fingerprint     	= (known after apply)
  	+ password            	= (known after apply)
  	+ password_length     	= 20
  	+ password_reset_required = false
  	+ pgp_key             	= "keybase:test"
  	+ user                	= "spacelift.user"

Plan: 3 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

We see that this module plans to create three new resources:

  • aws_iam_access_key
  • aws_iam_user
  • aws_iam_user_login_profile

This way, we can use existing modules to create related resources easily.

10. Clean up

The final step is to clean up all the resources we just created. Just like the other things, Terraform conveniently gives us the terraform destroy command, which cleans up all resources that Terraform manages. Let’s run this command to clean up all the resources we created.

terraform destroy aws resources

Terraform prompts us that it is managing two resources and plans to destroy them. We will confirm that we want to destroy the resources by typing “yes”.

destroy aws resoures

Great! We successfully cleaned up all the resources we created 🎉

Note: Remember to delete the S3 bucket we created for state management manually. Terraform won’t destroy it as it was not managed by Terraform but created manually.

Now that we have already learned how to deploy and manage our infrastructure via Terraform, let’s look at some best practices.

Best practices for AWS and Terraform

Following foundational AWS and Terraform best practices ensures security, maintainability, and efficiency. Here are the most important ones:

Terraform AWS best practices
State management
  • Use remote backend: Store the Terraform state file in a remote backend like AWS S3 with state locking using DynamoDB to prevent concurrent modifications.
  • State file security: Encrypt the state file using AWS KMS (Key Management Service) to protect sensitive data and configure policies that restrict access to it.
Version control
  • Lock Terraform versions: Specify Terraform version constraints in your configuration to ensure consistency across different environments.
Module usage
  • Modularize code: Break down your Terraform configurations into reusable modules. This promotes reusability, maintainability, and organization.
Environment management
  • Separate Environments: Use separate state files for different environments (e.g., development, staging, production). This can be achieved by using workspaces or different state file paths.
Security best practices
  • IAM policies: Use least privilege principles for IAM roles and policies that Terraform uses.
  • Secrets management: Do not hard-code secrets in your Terraform configuration.
Code quality
  • Format code: Use terraform fmt command to maintain consistent code formatting.
  • Linting: Use tools like tflint to enforce best practices and avoid common mistakes in your Terraform code.
Plan and apply practices
  • Review plans: Always review the output of terraform plan before applying changes to ensure they are as expected.
  • Manual approvals: Implement manual approval steps in your CI/CD pipelines for critical environments like production.

Read more: 20 Terraform best practices to improve your workflow

Managing Terraform with Spacelift

Terraform is really powerful, but to achieve an end-to-end secure Gitops approach, you need to use a product that can run your Terraform workflows. Spacelift takes managing Terraform to the next level by giving you access to a powerful CI/CD workflow and unlocking features such as:

  • Policies (based on Open Policy Agent) – You can control how many approvals you need for runs, what kind of resources you can create, and what kind of parameters these resources can have, and you can also control the behavior when a pull request is open or merged.
  • Multi-IaC workflows – Combine Terraform with Kubernetes, Ansible, and other IaC tools such as OpenTofu, Pulumi, and CloudFormation,  create dependencies among them, and share outputs
  • Build self-service infrastructure – You can use Blueprints to build self-service infrastructure; simply complete a form to provision infrastructure based on Terraform and other supported tools.
  • Integrations with any third-party tools – You can integrate with your favorite third-party tools and even build policies for them. For example, see how to Integrate security tools in your workflows using Custom Inputs.

Spacelift enables you to create private workers inside your infrastructure, which helps you execute Spacelift-related workflows on your end. For more information on how to configure private workers, you can look into the documentation.

How to create your first Spacelift stack

You can get started by forking our Terraform Starter repository, or you can explore Spacelift on your own by adding your own repository and going from zero to fully managing your cloud resources.

Click on the Create Stack button.

spacelift stacks terraform on aws

Add a name for the stack, and optionally, you can add labels and a description.

terraform aws stack details

In the Integrate VCS tab, choose your VCS provider, select the repository that you gave access to Spacelift in the first step and select a branch that you want to be attached with your Stack. You also have the optional choice of selecting a project root.

spacelift example terraform and aws

Click Continue to configure the backend.

In the configure backend tab, you can select the backend (in our case, Terraform), the Terraform version, whether Spacelift manages your state, and whether you want smart sanitization enabled.

Create a Terraform stack

Select Create & continue, and let’s leave everything else as a default.

Click on Trigger to kick start a Spacelift run that will check out the source code, run terraform commands on it, and then present you with an option to apply (confirm) these changes.

spacelift new stack terraform on aws

After clicking Trigger, you will be taken directly into the run. Click on Confirm, and your changes will be applied. Your output will look different based on your code repository and the resources it creates.

spacelift run terraform on aws

The workflow can be easily extended each step of the way by either adding commands before and after phases, changing the runner image, integrating security tools, adding policies, and others.

spacelift stack details terraform aws

If you want to learn more about Spacelift, create a free account today, or book a demo with one of our engineers.

Key points

In this article, we explored the powerful duo of Terraform and AWS used to deploy and manage cloud infrastructure. We introduced Terraform, highlighted its key functions on AWS, and discussed the advantages of using Terraform’s Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach for consistent and scalable deployments. We also covered the Terraform AWS modules available in the Registry and provided a practical example of resource configuration, deploying an EC2 instance, setting up S3 as a remote backend, and best practices for effective use.

By leveraging Terraform on AWS, you can streamline your cloud infrastructure management and automate, scale, and manage your cloud resources efficiently, achieving greater agility, cost savings, and operational excellence.

Note: New versions of Terraform are placed under the BUSL license, but everything created before version 1.5.x stays open-source. OpenTofu is an open-source version of Terraform that expands on Terraform’s existing concepts and offerings. It is a viable alternative to HashiCorp’s Terraform, being forked from Terraform version 1.5.6.

Manage Terraform Better with Spacelift

Build more complex workflows based on Terraform using policy as code, programmatic configuration, context sharing, drift detection, resource visualization, and many more.

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