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Meet Spacelift, The IaC Orchestration Platform

Running Terraform in Automation

Terraform Automation with Spacelift. Automate Terraform workflows while enhancing your Terraform IaC with unlimited policies & automatic drift detection.

Get started
  • Self-Service Infrastructure

    Automate Terraform workflows to create clarity on the impact of proposed changes, providing continuous delivery to the infrastructure your teams need.

  • Unlimited policies

    Achieve complete control to design the guardrails that empower you to make even policy-based decisions in Terraform, ranging from access and RBAC to handling repository events.

  • Unlimited integrations

    Enhance your workflows with the capability to integrate your Terraform IaC automation with third-party tools for linting, testing, security vulnerability scanning, documentation validation, etc.

  • Enhanced dependencies

    Define dependencies with just two clicks! No more hassle creating dependencies between Terraform automations and between Terraform and tools like Kubernetes and Ansible.

  • Streamlined complex workflows

    Spacelift supports complex workflows and streamlines management through Stack Dependencies. This feature enables running one stack run once another finishes. Nested dependencies are also easy, thanks to the fact that these dependencies are directed acyclic graphs (DAG).

  • Automatic drift detection

    Most infrastructure drift happens due to manual interventions, so Terraform drift detection should be performed regularly to catch it as quickly as possible. Spacelift can check for drift automatically and optionally revert any changes found by following the same workflow used for regular IaC code changes.

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See the difference

Integrate with the leading IaC tools

Spacelift works with Terraform – plus a range of other infra-as-code tools, including Pulumi, CloudFormation, and Ansible. Manage your entire infrastructure with a single platform, equipped with the best tools available for each specific job. Customize your workflow to easily control what happens before and after every runner phase for maximum flexibility.

Integrate with the leading IaC tools

Track individual resources

Unlike other IaC tools, which focus on running Terraform, Spacelift offers comprehensive visibility into the resources your organization manages. You can group and filter your resources to understand the architecture, or view their history for insights into your infrastructure’s evolution.

Enjoy creature comforts

We place a huge emphasis on the user experience. That’s why we’ve added creature comforts like Contexts , Tasks, Stack locking, and Resources.

Enforce policies automatically

Spacelift’s embrace of policy-as-code enables you to define policies relating to various decision points in the application. These include Plan (which changes can be applied), Approval (who can approve or reject a run and how can a run be approved), and Push (how Git push events are interpreted). A virtually limitless number of policies can be enforced automatically, boosting efficiency exponentially.

Integrate to infinity (use image for Containers all the way down)

The potential for integrations with Spacelift is almost limitless, thanks to custom inputs, stack behavior, and notification policies. Custom inputs can integrate with any json file to integrate virtually any tool into your plan policies. Notification policies are valuable for auditing and managing your infrastructure deployments. You can also bring your own image and inject custom commands into the standard Terraform workflow.

Simplify manual stack creation

Spacelift’s Blueprints are invaluable whenever you need to create a stack manually or for temporary use. They work as templates for environments that let the administrators configure all defaults, guardrails, and other settings to help anyone who needs infrastructure to deploy it.

Control with confidence

Policy as Code provides immediately enforceable guardrails, but more granular control is required as organizations expand. Spacelift Spaces create logical containers for your stacks and resources to provide those guardrails and secure your Terraform automation.

Reinforce security

IaC tools can introduce security vulnerabilities if they’re not managed correctly and tested regularly. Apart from embedded cutting-edge security solutions like Policy as Code, Encryption, Single Sign On (SSO), and Private Worker Pools, Spacelift also effectively integrates security tools in your workflows via the Custom Inputs feature. Another safeguard is automated Terraform module testing.

Go GitOps Native

Alternative Terraform IaC automation tools offer partial integration with Git providers, but Spacelift is truly GitOps Native. Push policies enable full support of arbitrary Git flows, including massive monorepos. It can also deliver complete visibility via your Git provider APIs (e.g., GitHub’s Checks and Deployments APIs).

Minimize human error

Wherever manual effort is involved, mistakes can happen. Spacelift minimizes the potential for human error through:

  • Workflow automation
  • Policies
  • Improved visibility
  • Stack Dependencies
  • Integrations with third-party tools
Minimize human error

Spacelift is powering platform teams


"I love the ability to use the policy workbench inline within a run summary with data from that run. Very slick (and convenient) feature! This just allowed me to test a change to a trigger policy and find relevant data for the test very quickly."

Eric McDonald

Principal Engineer

lightspeed logo

“Our team includes developers distributed around the world across American, Australian, and European time zones. Spacelift has given us a lot of additional trust in each other. Because we have guardrails and defined workflows set up it allows us to have shared visibility into what we’re all doing.”

Alex Jurkiewicz

Senior Site Reliability Engineer

Read the case study

cloudposse logo

“With Spacelift, we can have an overarching collection of policies that govern when and how everything runs. This stuff is radically further ahead than the way 99% of companies use Terraform.”

Erik Osterman

CEO of DevOps Accelerator

Read the case study

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"Spacelift has helped us set up a flexible and productive Infrastructure as Code environment. It makes the basics like setting up and iterating on plans simpler and quicker, which has allowed us to focus on larger engineering concerns. And when things in our infrastructure go wrong, that’s when Spacelift really shines!"

Jason Fraley

VP Security and Infrastructure

Read the case study

"I love the ability to use the policy workbench inline within a run summary with data from that run. Very slick (and convenient) feature! This just allowed me to test a change to a trigger policy and find relevant data for the test very quickly."

Eric McDonald

Principal Engineer

lightspeed logo

“Our team includes developers distributed around the world across American, Australian, and European time zones. Spacelift has given us a lot of additional trust in each other. Because we have guardrails and defined workflows set up it allows us to have shared visibility into what we’re all doing.”

Alex Jurkiewicz

Senior Site Reliability Engineer

Read the case study

IaC Was Just The Beginning

You need a collaborative environment for building the platform your teams need, with deep insight, full control, and unlimited flexibility. Build better with Spacelift.

Liftoff with Spacelift!