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How to Use Terraform on Microsoft Azure [Tutorial & Examples]

terraform azure

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In this article, we will provide a practical end-to-end example of using Terraform to deploy infrastructure on Microsoft Azure. We will also share some best practices, common problems you might encounter when first starting, and how to troubleshoot them. Let’s go!

What we will cover:

  1. What is Terraform?
  2. What is Microsoft Azure?
  3. Why use Terraform on Azure?
  4. How to run Terraform with Azure
  5. Best practices for using Terraform with Azure
  6. Troubleshooting common issues when running Terraform on Azure
  7. Example: Kubernetes deployment with Terraform on Azure

What is Terraform?

Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool that allows you to define and provision data center infrastructure using a declarative configuration language. It supports multiple cloud providers, including Microsoft Azure. Using Terraform on Azure, you can create, manage, and update resources like virtual machines, storage accounts, and networking interfaces, ensuring consistent and reproducible infrastructure deployment across different environments. 

Terraform integrates well with automation tools and CI/CD pipelines. As part of your development workflow, you can leverage Terraform scripts to automate infrastructure provisioning and configuration changes.

A typical Terraform workflow involves three main steps: writing the infrastructure as code in configuration files, initializing and planning to preview the changes, and applying those changes to provision the infrastructure.

Basic Terraform commands — quick reference

Here are some common commands you will use in Terraform:

  • terraform init — Initialize the Terraform working directory. It fetches required plugins and prepares the environment for other commands.
  • terraform plan — Generate an execution plan outlining the changes Terraform will make based on your configuration files. It shows what will be created, updated, or destroyed.
  • terraform apply Apply the planned changes to your infrastructure based on the Terraform configuration. Review the plan carefully before applying.
  • terraform destroy Destroy the infrastructure managed by Terraform. Use with caution, as it can permanently remove resources.
  • terraform show Show details about a specific resource or the current state of your infrastructure.
  • terraform state rm <resource name> Remove a resource from Terraform state management.
  • terraform state refresh Refresh the Terraform state to match the actual state of your infrastructure in the cloud provider.
  • terraform fmt Reformat your Terraform configuration files to follow the standard coding style.
  • terraform validate Validate your Terraform configuration for syntax errors.
  • terraform get <provider> — Download and install plugins for specific providers (optional argument to specify a provider).

To see all the Terraform commands in one place, check out our Terraform cheat sheet with 23 CLI Commands & Examples.

What is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform developed by Microsoft. It offers a wide range of services, including computing, analytics, storage, and networking, that allow you to build, deploy, and manage applications across a global network of data centers. Users pick and choose from these services to develop and scale new applications or run existing ones.

Common use cases for the Azure public cloud include building and deploying web and mobile applications, developing and deploying cloud-native applications, storing and managing data, and creating and managing virtual machines.

Microsoft Azure features

  • Microsoft Azure offers over 200 products and services.
  • Azure supports all languages and frameworks, allowing you to develop how you want and deploy where you need to.
  • Whether on-premises or across multiple clouds, Azure meets you where you are. It provides services designed for hybrid cloud environments.
  • Azure prioritizes security, compliance, and privacy.

Why use Terraform on Azure?

Terraform allows you to define your infrastructure in code, making it versionable, repeatable, and auditable. You can manage your Azure resources using declarative configuration files. Compared with Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates, Terraform can be more concise and easier to maintain for complex infrastructure deployments.

Note that Terraform is cloud-agnostic, so you can use the same language to provision resources across Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, and other providers. It also supports hybrid scenarios, seamlessly integrating on-premises and cloud environments. This flexibility is a key reason why many organizations choose to use Terraform as their preferred IaC tool

Terraform has a dedicated Azure provider (azurerm) that supports a wide range of Azure resources, allowing you to manage Azure services comprehensively, and it also integrates well with Azure DevOps, enabling you to create CI/CD pipelines for automated deployment and management of your Azure infrastructure.

Terraform ensures consistent resource provisioning. You define the desired state, and Terraform handles the actual deployment, reducing configuration drift. At the same time, Terraform automatically manages resource dependencies. For example, if you create a virtual machine that requires a virtual network, Terraform ensures the network is provisioned first.

Terraform maintains a state file that tracks the actual Azure infrastructure state. This helps with tracking changes, collaboration, and understanding the current environment.

Lastly, Terraform has a vibrant community and a rich ecosystem of providers and modules. You can find pre-built modules for common Azure services, saving time and effort.

How to run Terraform with Azure

To run Terraform with Azure, follow the steps below:

  1. Install the Azure CLI tool.
  2. Install Terraform.
  3. Connect to Azure.
  4. Configure the Terraform Azure provider.
  5. Create and add an Azure resource group.
  6. Verify the results.
  7. Clean up.

1. Install the Azure CLI tool

First, we need to install the Azure CLI tool.


Head to the Microsoft download page.

Choose the appropriate installer for your system (32-bit or 64-bit) and download the installer file (.msi).

macOS or Linux:

Open a terminal window and run the following command:

curl -sL https://aka.ms/install-azure-cli | bash

Or using homebrew: 

brew install azure-cli

After installation, confirm it has been successful:

az --version

If the installation was successful, you should see the installed Azure CLI version displayed.

2. Install Terraform

Visit the official Terraform download page.

Select the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux) and architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). Download the installer file (typically a .zip archive for Windows/macOS or a .tar.gz archive for Linux).

Most distributions also offer Terraform packages through package managers. This can be a convenient way to install and update Terraform.

  • Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install terraform
  • RedHat/CentOS: sudo yum install terraform
  • macOS (Homebrew): brew tap hashicorp/tap && brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
  • chocolatey (Windows): choco install terraform

Verify Terraform is installed:

terraform --version

If the installation was successful, you should see the installed Terraform version displayed.

If you need more help with your Terraform installation, check out How to Download & Install Terraform on Windows, MacOS, Linux.

3. Connect to Azure

After installing the Azure CLI, you need to log in to your Azure account using the az login command. Follow the prompts to authenticate and complete the login process.

az login

If you have multiple Azure subscriptions, you can set your subscription to use for subsequent commands:

az account set --subscription <subscription_id_or_name>

4. Configure the Terraform azurerm provider

The Azure provider is configured in a Terraform configuration file using the azurerm provider configuration block. Create a Terraform configuration file named main.tf (or a name of your choosing) in your project directory.

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}
  # Replace with your Azure subscription ID
  subscription_id = "<your_subscription_id>"
  # Optional: Choose the desired Azure environment from [AzureCloud, AzureChinaCloud, AzureUSGovernment, AzureGermanCloud]
  # environment = "AzureCloud"
  # Optional: Set the Azure tenant ID if using Azure Active Directory (AAD) service principal authentication
  # tenant_id = "<your_tenant_id>"
  # Optional: Set the client ID of your AAD service principal
  # client_id = "<your_client_id>"
  # Optional: Set the client secret of your AAD service principal
  # client_secret = "<your_client_secret>"

You can optionally configure authentication using an Azure Active Directory (AAD) service principal by providing tenant_id, client_id, and client_secret. This is a more secure approach compared with using your Azure subscription credentials directly. To avoid hardcoding these in the configuration file, you can set them as environment variables:

export ARM_CLIENT_ID="xxxxx"
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="xxxxx"
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="xxxxx"
export ARM_TENANT_ID="xxxxx"

Refer to the official Terraform documentation for detailed instructions on configuring service principal authentication.

5. Create and add an Azure resource group

Add the configuration for the Azure resource group to your configuration file using the azurerm_resource_group block.

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example_group" {
  name     = "my-resource-group"
  location = "uksouth"
  tags = {
    environment = "dev"

In your terminal window, navigate to your Terraform project directory.

Run the command terraform init to initialize Terraform.

Run the command terraform plan to see the changes Terraform will make. This will show you the creation of the resource group. If the plan looks good, run terraform apply to create the resource group in your Azure subscription.

6. Verify the results

Log into the Azure portal and navigate to the Resource Groups section to see your newly created resource group with the specified name and location.

7. Clean up

If you no longer need the resource group, you can remove it using Terraform by running terraform destroy.

Best practices for using Terraform with Azure

Following best practices from the start of your project can help you avoid restructuring and encountering security issues later on. Here are some best practices you’ll want to follow when using Terraform with Azure:

Configuration structure and style

Modular design Break down your infrastructure into reusable modules for common components. This will promote code reuse, improve maintainability, and simplify complex deployments.
Consistent naming Adopt a consistent naming convention for resources and variables. This improves the readability and understanding of your Terraform configuration. Define and apply tags to Azure resources using Terraform to categorize, organize, and track resources for cost allocation, monitoring, and management purposes.
State management Consider using Terraform Cloud, Spacelift, or an Azure storage account as the Terraform backend for centralized state storage. This avoids conflicts when running deployments from multiple pipelines or workstations.
Formatting and validation Utilize tools like terraform fmt to format your Terraform configuration consistently and terraform validate to identify syntax errors before applying changes.

Security and access control

Secret management Never store sensitive information like access keys or passwords directly in your Terraform configuration files. Leverage Azure Key Vault or environment variables to manage secrets securely.
Service principal authentication Instead of relying on your personal Azure subscription credentials, use Azure Active Directory (AAD) service principals with the least privilege for authentication.
Policy as Code Implement Azure Policy as code alongside your Terraform configuration to enforce security best practices and compliance requirements.
Resource access control Use Azure Policy and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to enforce security and compliance policies for your Azure resources.

Testing and deployment

Infrastructure testing Integrate infrastructure testing tools like Terratest or Azure Resource Explorer into your CI/CD pipeline to validate your Terraform code before deployment.
CI/CD integration  Automate infrastructure deployments using a CI/CD pipeline. This streamlines the process, reduces manual errors, and ensures consistency in deployments.
Version control Store your Terraform configuration files in a version control system like Git. This allows for tracking changes, collaboration, and rollback to previous configurations if needed.
Code reviews Implement code reviews for Terraform configurations to ensure quality, consistency, and compliance with best practices.

Additional considerations

Error handling Implement proper error-handling mechanisms in your Terraform code to gracefully handle unexpected situations during deployments.
Documentation Maintain clear and concise documentation for your Terraform configurations, explaining the purpose of resources, modules, and variables. This aids understanding for yourself and future collaborators. Consider tools like terraform-docs for this. Provide context and explanation for each resource by using the description attribute to add descriptions to Terraform resources and modules.
Stay updated Keep Terraform and the Azure provider updated to benefit from new features, bug fixes, and security improvements. Use tools like Terraform Cloud, Spacelift. or tfenv to manage Terraform versions.
Instrument infrastructure Instrument your infrastructure with monitoring and observability tools (e.g., Azure Monitor, Prometheus, Grafana) to monitor resource performance, health, and availability.
Implement alerting Set up alerts and notifications for critical events and performance thresholds to proactively identify and respond to issues in your infrastructure.

Troubleshooting common issues when running Terraform on Azure

Troubleshooting common issues when running Terraform on Azure often involves checking for correct authentication configurations, ensuring accurate resource dependencies, verifying network connectivity, and reviewing the Azure provider settings for any discrepancies or updates required to align with the current Terraform and Azure CLI versions.

1. State locking errors

Issue: You see errors like “Error acquiring the state lock” when running Terraform commands. This indicates another Terraform process might already be modifying the state file, causing a lock. e.g., Error: Error locking state: Error acquiring the state lock: state blob is already locked.

Solution: Check if any other terminal windows or CI/CD pipelines are running Terraform commands against the same state file. If using remote state storage (e.g., Azure Remote State Management), verify if other users are modifying the state concurrently. Consider using locking mechanisms provided by the remote state backend service.

2. Permission errors

Issue: You encounter errors suggesting insufficient permissions to manage Azure resources. e.g. AuthorizationFailed: The client '<client_id>' with object id '<object_id>' does not have authorization to perform action '<action>' over scope '<scope>'.

Solution: Double-check the access assigned to the service principal you’re using for authentication in Terraform. Ensure it has the necessary permissions (e.g., Contributor or Owner) on the resource group and specific resources you’re trying to manage. Verify that your Azure subscription ID and environment (AzureCloud, etc.) are correctly configured in the Terraform provider block.

3. Resource not found errors

Issue: Terraform throws errors like “azurerm_resource.example not found” when trying to access existing resources.

Solution: Ensure the resource you’re referencing actually exists in your Azure subscription and the same resource group defined in your Terraform configuration. Check for typos or inconsistencies in resource names between your Terraform code and actual Azure resources.

4. Syntax errors

Issue: Terraform fails with cryptic error messages indicating syntax issues in your configuration files.

Solution: Utilize terraform validate to identify potential syntax errors before applying the configuration. Carefully review your Terraform code for typos, missing quotation marks, or incorrect indentation.

5. Provider configuration issues

Issue: Terraform might struggle to find the Azure provider or encounter issues during initialization. e.g.Error: provider.<provider_name>: no suitable version installed or Error: provider.<provider_name>: provider registry.terraform.io/<provider_namespace>/<provider_name> was not found in the Terraform Registry.

Solution: Run terraform init again to ensure the Terraform Azure provider is downloaded and configured correctly. Verify your Terraform version is compatible with the installed Azure provider version. You can check the provider documentation for supported Terraform versions.

6. Resource limitations

Issue: QuotaExceeded: The requested resource exceeds the allowed limits.

Solution: Check Azure resource quotas and limits for the subscription, region, and resource type you’re trying to provision. If necessary, increase quotas through the Azure portal or by contacting Azure support. Consider optimizing resource configurations or deleting unused resources to stay within limits.

7. Networking issues

Issue: Failed to retrieve plugin executables from URL: dial tcp: lookup <url> on <dns_server>.

Solution: Check network connectivity from your Terraform host to the specified URLs (e.g., Terraform registry, provider download URLs). Ensure that firewalls, proxies, or network policies allow outbound connections. Verify DNS resolution by testing with nslookup or dig commands. If DNS resolution fails, troubleshoot DNS configuration or use alternative DNS servers.

8. Terraform version compatibility

Issue: Error: Unsupported Terraform Core version.

Troubleshooting: Ensure that you’re using a Terraform version compatible with the Azure provider version specified in your configuration. Check the compatibility matrix in the Terraform documentation to find compatible versions of Terraform and the Azure provider.

Example: Kubernetes deployment with Terraform on Azure

Let’s see a practical example of using Terraform on Azure. The code can be found here.

We will be using two resources:

  • azurerm_resource_group – used to create resource groups inside of Azure
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster – used to create the Kubernetes cluster inside of Azure

In this example, cluster management will always be free; you pay only for the cluster’s underlying nodes.

To create the number of resources of the type we want, we are using for_each on both resources. 

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "this" {
 for_each = var.resource_groups
 name     = each.key
 location = each.value.location

resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "this" {
 for_each            = var.kube_params
 name                = each.key
 location            = azurerm_resource_group.this[each.value.rg_name].location
 resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.this[each.value.rg_name].name

The link between the resources above is created on the Kubernetes one, specifically at the location and resource_group_name parameters. This allows us to ensure the resource group is created first, and we access its location and name attributed inside the Kubernetes Cluster. The cluster and the resource group in which it will be created will reside in the same location.

We declare the variables using map(object) types. We are also ensuring optional values to make the code easier to use. 

variable "kube_params" {
 description = "AKS parameters"
 type = map(object({
   rg_name             = string
   dns_prefix          = string
   np_name             = string
   tags                = optional(map(string), {})
   vm_size             = optional(string, "Standard_B2s")
   client_id           = optional(string, null)
   client_secret       = optional(string, null)
   enable_auto_scaling = optional(bool, false)
   max_count           = optional(number, 1)

The values of these variables are provided in the default block, but it’s also possible to use terraform.tfvars or a *.auto.tfvars file, or environment variables to pass these values.

Right now, with the default values, this looks like this:

default = {
   rg1 = {
     location = "westus"

default = {
   aks1 = {
     rg_name    = "rg1"
     dns_prefix = "kube"
     np_name    = "np1"

In this example, we have declared two outputs: one will show a map containing name and location pairs for the resource groups, and the other will have some details related to the Kubernetes cluster in the following format name => id, fqdn.

output "resource_groups" {
 description = "Resource Group Outputs"
 value       = { for rg in azurerm_resource_group.this : rg.name => rg.location }

output "aks" {
 description = "AKS Outputs"
 value       = { for kube in azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.this : kube.name => { "id" : kube.id, "fqdn" : kube.fqdn } }

To run this code, we have initialized the working directory using terraform init.

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/azurerm...
- Installing hashicorp/azurerm v3.49.0...
- Installed hashicorp/azurerm v3.49.0 (signed by HashiCorp)

Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
you run "terraform init" in the future.

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.

To apply the code, run the terraform apply command.

azurerm_resource_group.this["rg1"]: Creating...
azurerm_resource_group.this["rg1"]: Creation complete after 3s [id=/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rg1]
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.this["aks1"]: Creating...
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.this["aks1"]: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.this["aks1"]: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.this["aks1"]: Still creating... [30s elapsed]
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.this["aks1"]: Still creating... [3m50s elapsed]
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.this["aks1"]: Creation complete after 3m52s [id=/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aks1]

Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


aks = {
 "aks1" = {
   "fqdn" = "kube-pocuwyy7.hcp.westus.azmk8s.io"
   "id" = "/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aks1"
resource_groups = {
 "rg1" = "westus"

The cluster will be visible now in the Azure Portal:

terraform iac azure portal

Enhance your IaC workflow with Spacelift

Terraform is really powerful, but to achieve an end-to-end secure Gitops approach, you need to use a product that can run your Terraform workflows. 

Enter Spacelift. Not only does Spacelift take care of your Terraform workflows, but it can also help build workflows for Kubernetes, Pulumi, and CloudFormation. Spacelift is GitOps Native, and you can use it to build really sophisticated workflows by leveraging stack dependencies.

Your workflows will probably require policies to ensure the necessary guardrails for your infrastructure. Notifications are also really important to alert you when something goes wrong.

Integrations with major cloud providers prevent the use of static credentials, which can be easily replicated if you are not careful with them.

Using custom inputs makes it easy to integrate security tools into your workflows. You can easily run policies on this feature to ensure engineers are not introducing vulnerabilities in their code.

If Terraform modules make your code DRY, check out Spacelift’s Blueprints feature, which really takes reusability to the next level.

Let’s reuse the above example and create a stack for it in Spacelift. We will also apply a policy to ensure people do not change the size of the VM. I would suggest creating your own repository that holds the above code to integrate everything.

First, go to stacks and select Create a new stack. Name the stack. You can add labels and a description.

terraform iac create new stack spacelift

After that click Continue, and on the Integrate VCS tab, select the repository. You can leave everything else as a default.

In the Configure backend tab, select the backend (in our case, it is Terraform), the Terraform version, whether Spacelift manages your state, and whether you want smart sanitization enabled.

terraform iac smart sanitization spacelift

Select Continue and in the Define behavior tab, leave everything as a default.

You have created a stack. You need to handle the authentication to Azure before starting to run the stack per se. You can do this in multiple ways, and Spacelift’s documentation explains it well. 

When you have finished this, you can start running your code. Triggering a run reveals an output of the Terraform plan. If you want to create the resources inside this plan, you will need to confirm it. Otherwise, you can easily discard it and make other changes to your code.

terraform iac run code spacelift

After confirming the run, an apply job gets triggered and this is its output.

terraform iac apply spacelift

As you can see, the subscription id is directly masked inside the output, which also makes for easier demonstrations without having any fear that you will be leaking sensitive information.

The workflow can be easily extended at each step by either adding commands before and after phases, changing the runner image, integrating security tools, adding policies, and other methods.

terraform iac advanced options

If you want to learn more about Spacelift, create a free account today, or book a demo with one of our engineers.

Key points

Terraform is a great option for your IaC tool when provisioning your infrastructure on Azure. Follow the best practices listed above to make a successful start to your IaC journey. 

Note: New versions of Terraform are placed under the BUSL license, but everything created before version 1.5.x stays open-source. OpenTofu is an open-source version of Terraform that expands on Terraform’s existing concepts and offerings. It is a viable alternative to HashiCorp’s Terraform, being forked from Terraform version 1.5.6.

Automate Terraform Deployments with Spacelift

Automate your infrastructure provisioning, build more complex workflows based on Terraform using policy as code, programmatic configuration, context sharing, drift detection, resource visualization, and many more.

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