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How to Manage and Automate AWS with Ansible
Ansible13 min read
How to Manage and Automate AWS with Ansible

Learn how to use Ansible in AWS, including dynamic inventory and modules. See examples, benefits and best practices.

7 Ansible Use Cases – Management & Automation Examples
Ansible10 min read
7 Ansible Use Cases – Management & Automation Examples

What is Ansible best used for in 2024? Explore real-life industry use cases for Ansible, impact on configuration management, CI/CD and more.

What is Amazon Bedrock? AWS Generative AI Tool Overview
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What is Amazon Bedrock? AWS Generative AI Tool Overview

See how to use Amazon Bedrock to build generative AI applications on AWS. Its pricing, functionalities, use cases, and how to get started.

How to Pass the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional Certification
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How to Pass the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional Certification

How to become the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer and get the Professional Certification in 2024? See notes and cheat sheet to get started.

How to Use Amazon CodeWhisperer (AI Code Generator)
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How to Use Amazon CodeWhisperer (AI Code Generator)

Explore Amazon CodeWhisperer - AI-powered code generation tool, and see how to use it to automatically generate IaC code for Terraform.

Build an AWS Multi-Account Strategy According to Best Practices
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Build an AWS Multi-Account Strategy According to Best Practices

Explore AWS multi-account strategy and its two primary services: AWS Organizations and AWS Control Tower. See the benefits.

Bootstrap Complete Amazon EKS Clusters with EKS Blueprints for Terraform
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Bootstrap Complete Amazon EKS Clusters with EKS Blueprints for Terraform

Explore Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform, a set of patterns that make it easier and quicker for users to provision complete EKS clusters.

Using Ansible Shell Module to Execute Remote Commands
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Using Ansible Shell Module to Execute Remote Commands

Learn how to run remote commands with Ansible shell module. See examples. The difference between Ansible shell vs. command.

What is a Service Mesh? Key Features, Benefits & Demo
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What is a Service Mesh? Key Features, Benefits & Demo

Introduction to service mesh technology and why to use it. See the benefits, key components, and a glimpse into the service mesh future.

Building the DevOps Pipeline – Key Concepts & Stages
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Building the DevOps Pipeline – Key Concepts & Stages

Learn what makes a successful DevOps pipeline and analyze its concepts, key components, and various stages with an example.

How to Create Ansible Template [Examples]
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How to Create Ansible Template [Examples]

See how to use Ansible templates to parametrize configuration files and leverage variables in templates with Jinja2 and Ansible Playbooks.

How to Build on AWS with CDK for Terraform (CDKTF)
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How to Build on AWS with CDK for Terraform (CDKTF)

Explore the Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for Terraform (CDKTF) and how it allows developers to use familiar languages to define their Terraform infrastructure.

How to Use Ansible Vault to Keep Your Playbooks Secure
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How to Use Ansible Vault to Keep Your Playbooks Secure

Explore different options for encrypting sensitive information by leveraging Ansible Vault with examples and use cases of using encrypted content.

Working with Ansible Inventory – Basics and Use Cases
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Working with Ansible Inventory – Basics and Use Cases

Learn about Ansible inventory basic functionality, managing variables, and combining multiple inventory sources and options for dynamic inventories.

Terraform with GitHub Actions : How to Manage & Scale
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Terraform with GitHub Actions : How to Manage & Scale

See how to set up and run Terraform GitHub Actions with AWS to automate and orchestrate your infrastructure workflows - examples.

44 Best Books for DevOps Engineers to Read in 2024
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44 Best Books for DevOps Engineers to Read in 2024

Check the list of 44 DevOps books you need to read to advance your DevOps career to the next level.

44 Ansible Best Practices to Follow [Tips & Tricks]
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44 Ansible Best Practices to Follow [Tips & Tricks]

This article will look into best practices for setting up Ansible projects and suggest approaches to deal with Ansible’s internals effectively. 

Atlantis vs. Terraform Cloud / Terraform Enterprise – Comparison
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Atlantis vs. Terraform Cloud / Terraform Enterprise – Comparison

Atlantis or Terraform Cloud ? Take a look at two infrastructure automation and delivery tools, along with a feature comparison.

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