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Kubernetes HPA [Horizontal Pod Autoscaler] Guide
Kubernetes11 min read
Kubernetes HPA [Horizontal Pod Autoscaler] Guide

What is HPA in Kubernetes? See memory metrics and scaling a deployment via CPU example. The difference between HPA and VPA.

Writing .gitlab-ci.yml File with Examples [Tutorial]
General14 min read
Writing .gitlab-ci.yml File with Examples [Tutorial]

Learn what .gitlab-ci.yml file is, the main sections (like stages and variables), how to work with it and see example of writing a gitlab ci yml.

How to Migrate Terraform State Between Different Backends
Terraform12 min read
How to Migrate Terraform State Between Different Backends

Migrate your Terraform state to a remote backend like Azure Storage Account or Amazon S3 and back to local. Init reconfigure vs migrate-state.

What is Amazon (AWS) EventBridge & How Does It Work?
AWS22 min read
What is Amazon (AWS) EventBridge & How Does It Work?

Learn what Amazon EventBridge is and how it works compared with SNS, SQS, and CloudWatch. See the key features like scheduler and pipes.

Improving DevOps Collaboration: Best Practices & Tips
General8 min read
Improving DevOps Collaboration: Best Practices & Tips

Learn what collaboration means for DevOps. See the benefits improved collaboration brings and how dedicated tools help achieve it.

Azure Terraform Export: Importing Resources with Aztfexport
Terraform9 min read
Azure Terraform Export: Importing Resources with Aztfexport

Learn how to use the Azure Terraform Export tool (Azure Terrafy or Aztfy) to import and manage Azure resources with Terraform.

What Is Infrastructure Automation & How Does It Work?
General13 min read
What Is Infrastructure Automation & How Does It Work?

Infrastructure automation explained with benefits, challenges, and use cases. See how to automate your IT infrastructure and the tools to use.

Ansible Loops : How To Use, Tutorial & Examples
Ansible12 min read
Ansible Loops : How To Use, Tutorial & Examples

What are Ansible loops? Learn how to loop over lists and dictionaries in Ansible. See examples. With_items vs loop explained.

7 Ansible Use Cases – Management & Automation Examples
Ansible10 min read
7 Ansible Use Cases – Management & Automation Examples

What is Ansible best used for in 2024? Explore real-life industry use cases for Ansible, impact on configuration management, CI/CD and more.

OpenTofu 1.7 is Now Available!
OpenTofu5 min read
OpenTofu 1.7 is Now Available!

The latest release of OpenTofu (version 1.7) is now available! It comes packed with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

AWS S3 Cp [Copy] Command Overview with Examples
AWS13 min read
AWS S3 Cp [Copy] Command Overview with Examples

Explore different ways you can use aws s3 cp to copy files to S3 buckets. See example with recursive and dryrun command flags.

How to List Docker Containers [All, Running, Stopped, and More]
Docker10 min read
How to List Docker Containers [All, Running, Stopped, and More]

See how to use different commands and options like Docker ps, list, ls to list containers. Listing containers in Docker Compose explained.

Terraform Contains Function [List & String Examples]
Terraform5 min read
Terraform Contains Function [List & String Examples]

See how to use Terraform contains and strcontains functions to check if the value is present in a list or if a string contains another given string.

Terraform Force-Unlock Command : Unlocking TF State File
Terraform10 min read
Terraform Force-Unlock Command : Unlocking TF State File

What to do when your Terraform state file is locked? See how and when to use the Terraform force unlock command, including examples.

How to Create a CI/CD Pipeline with Docker [Tutorial]
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How to Create a CI/CD Pipeline with Docker [Tutorial]

Learn how to integrate Docker with CI/CD and how to build your pipeline using GitLab. See example and best practices.

Configuring Prometheus with Helm Chart on Kubernetes
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Configuring Prometheus with Helm Chart on Kubernetes

Learn how to install Prometheus using Helm chart and customize the configuration to connect various node exporter instances.

How to Use Ignore_Changes in Terraform Lifecycle
Terraform9 min read
How to Use Ignore_Changes in Terraform Lifecycle

Learn how to use the ignore_changes argument in the Terraform lifecycle meta-arguments. See examples for tags and all changes.

How to Manage Kubernetes with Ansible [Tutorial]
Ansible18 min read
How to Manage Kubernetes with Ansible [Tutorial]

Discover ways to deploy Kubernetes with Ansible. See examples of managing resources, creating a Kubernetes cluster using Ansible, and more.

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The Practitioner’s Guide to Scaling Infrastructure as Code

Transform your IaC management to scale

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