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Terraform Plan Command: Examples & How It Works
Terraform13 min read
Terraform Plan Command: Examples & How It Works

What does the Terraform plan command do? See examples including output, plan to file, tfvars, variables, and others. Planning options and parameters.

IT’s Stressful. Ask DevOps, They’ll Know: Stress in the IT Sector [2022 Survey]
General18 min read
IT’s Stressful. Ask DevOps, They’ll Know: Stress in the IT Sector [2022 Survey]

Is workplace stress a thing in the IT sector? How do stress levels of IT pros compare to non-IT people? Are DevOps engineers the most stressed?

DevSecOps: Making Security Central To Your DevOps Pipeline
General15 min read
DevSecOps: Making Security Central To Your DevOps Pipeline

Learn what DevSecOps is and what it aims to achieve. Take a closer look at a very important part of the DevOps pipeline: security.

Introduction to Open Policy Agent (OPA) Rego Language
General7 min read
Introduction to Open Policy Agent (OPA) Rego Language

A quick overview of the most commonly used parts of the OPA Rego policy language. Learn how to begin authoring your own policies.

Kubernetes Ingress with NGINX Ingress Controller Example
Kubernetes14 min read
Kubernetes Ingress with NGINX Ingress Controller Example

Explore the Kubernetes Ingress controllers and see step-by-step examples of how to configure an NGINX Ingress on AKS and Minikube.

20+ Best CI/CD Tools for DevOps in 2024
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20+ Best CI/CD Tools for DevOps in 2024

Take a look at the 20+ best CI/CD pipeline tools. Learn about some of the most popular tools and find the right one for your project.

Atlantis vs. Terraform Cloud / Terraform Enterprise – Comparison
Terraform12 min read
Atlantis vs. Terraform Cloud / Terraform Enterprise – Comparison

Atlantis or Terraform Cloud ? Take a look at two infrastructure automation and delivery tools, along with a feature comparison.

Using Terraform fmt Command to Format Your Terraform Code
Terraform10 min read
Using Terraform fmt Command to Format Your Terraform Code

The Terraform fmt command is used to format your configuration files into a canonical format and style. Learn how it can keep your code consistent.

Terraform AWS Provider: How to Use & Examples
Terraform14 min read
Terraform AWS Provider: How to Use & Examples

What is Terraform AWS provider? Learn how to authenticate using parameters in the provider configuration options and using environment variables.

Introducing Spacelift Cloud Integrations
Product3 min read
Introducing Spacelift Cloud Integrations

We are excited to announce our new Cloud Integrations section and our update to support account-level AWS integrations.

Terraform Provisioners – Why You Should Avoid Them
Terraform16 min read
Terraform Provisioners – Why You Should Avoid Them

Learn what provisioners in Terraform are, how to use them, and why they should be a blast resort. Different types explained: local-exec, remote-state, and file.

How to Automate Terraform Deployments and Infrastructure Provisioning
Terraform9 min read
How to Automate Terraform Deployments and Infrastructure Provisioning

Learn different approaches to Terraform automation and provision infrastructure in an automated fashion. See how to enhance it with orchestration tools.

Enable Auto-Completion for Kubectl [Bash, Zsh, PowerShell]
Kubernetes6 min read
Enable Auto-Completion for Kubectl [Bash, Zsh, PowerShell]

In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to enable kubectl autocomplete for Linux Bash, Zsh, and PowerShell.

Terraform vs. Kubernetes : Key Differences and Comparison
Kubernetes16 min read
Terraform vs. Kubernetes : Key Differences and Comparison

See the comparison of Terraform and Kubernetes, the most dominant tools in the cloud infrastructure space. Learn about their similarities and differences. 

Kubectl Cheat Sheet – 15 Kubernetes Commands & Objects
Kubernetes18 min read
Kubectl Cheat Sheet – 15 Kubernetes Commands & Objects

See the helpful list of each commonly used category or component of Kubernetes (K8S) with appropriate kubectl commands for quick reference!

8 Different Types of Kubernetes Deployment Strategies
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8 Different Types of Kubernetes Deployment Strategies

Delve into different Kubernetes (K8s) deployment strategies. Take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Monitoring Your Spacelift Account via Prometheus
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Monitoring Your Spacelift Account via Prometheus

We are excited to announce the Prometheus Exporter for Spacelift! See how it allows you to monitor various metrics about your Spacelift account over time.

Managing Terraform State – Best Practices & Examples
Terraform17 min read
Managing Terraform State – Best Practices & Examples

Learn how to manage Terraform State. See best practices for storing, organizing, and isolating your state files.

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