
Docker ENTRYPOINT vs. CMD : Differences & Examples


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CMD and ENTRYPOINT are two Dockerfile instructions that together define the command that runs when your container starts. Using these instructions in your Dockerfiles enables users to interact easily with your images.

Because CMD and ENTRYPOINT work in tandem, they can often be confusing to understand. However, they have different effects and exist to increase your image’s flexibility: ENTRYPOINT sets the process to run, while CMD supplies default arguments to that process.

Let’s explore how to use these instructions properly, starting with ENTRYPOINT.

We will cover:

  1. How does ENTRYPOINT work in Docker?
  2. How does CMD work in Docker?
  3. What is the difference between docker run and ENTRYPOINT?
  4. What is the difference between Docker ENTRYPOINT and CMD?
  5. Example 1 – Using Docker ENTRYPOINT
  6. Example 2 – Using Docker CMD
  7. Example 3 – Using ENTRYPOINT and CMD together

How Does ENTRYPOINT Work in Docker?

The ENTRYPOINT Dockerfile instruction sets the process executed when your container starts. It allows you to define the default behavior of a container by setting a specific application or script to be executed.

You can define ENTRYPOINT in two forms:

  • Shell form (less commonly used): ENTRYPOINT command arg1 arg2
  • Exec form (preferred for better predictability and handling of arguments): ENTRYPOINT ["executable", "arg1", "arg2"]

In this example, the container will run /usr/bin/my-app:

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/my-app"]

The somewhat misleadingly named CMD instruction sets the default arguments passed to the ENTRYPOINT process. It determines the final form of the command string to be executed. In the following example, the container will run /usr/bin/my-app help:

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/my-app"]
CMD ["help"]

Images can only have one ENTRYPOINT. If you repeat the Dockerfile instruction, the last one will apply. When an image is created without an ENTRYPOINT, Docker defaults to using /bin/sh -c.

How does CMD work in Docker?

The CMD instruction in a Dockerfile specifies the default command to run when a container is started from the image. If no command is provided during the docker run execution, the one specified in CMD will be executed.

The three main formats for the CMD instruction in a Dockerfile are:

  • Shell form: This form uses a shell (e.g., /bin/sh -c on Linux) to run the command, CMD command arg1 arg2.
  • Exec form (Recommended): CMD ["executable", "arg1", "arg2", ...]
  • As default parameters for ENTRYPOINT: CMD ["arg1", "arg2", ...]

The CMD instruction is replaced if a command is passed in the docker run command. For example:

docker run my-image ls

Here, the ls command will override the CMD specified in the Dockerfile

What is the difference between docker run and ENTRYPOINT?

The docker run command starts a new container using a specified image. When no further arguments are given, the process that runs in the container will exactly match the ENTRYPOINT and CMD defined in the image:

# Executes /usr/bin/my-app help
$ docker run my-image:latest

You can change the CMD by supplying arguments to the docker run command, after the name of your image:

# Executes /usr/bin/my-app version
$ docker run my-image:latest version

Note that this always changes the CMD, not the ENTRYPOINT. Therefore, the docker run command starts new containers and sets the CMD passed as arguments to the image’s ENTRYPOINT. ENTRYPOINT applies to all containers and defines the process that will be run.

Technically, it is possible to override the ENTRYPOINT using docker run by setting its --entrypoint flag. Although this is rarely required, the technique can be useful if you want to launch a shell inside a container — to inspect the contents of an image’s filesystem, for example:

# Executes bash -c "ls /"
$ docker run --entrypoint bash my-image:latest -c "ls /"

Check out also our Docker Cheat Sheet with 36 Docker CLI commands.

What is the difference between Docker ENTRYPOINT and CMD?

As we’ve discussed above, ENTRYPOINT and CMD are similar but separate instructions that complement each other:

  • ENTRYPOINT is the process executed inside the container.
  • CMD is the default set of arguments supplied to the ENTRYPOINT process.

There are also differences in how you override these values when you start a container:

  • CMD is easily overridden by appending your own arguments to the docker run command.
  • ENTRYPOINT can be changed using the --entrypoint flag. However, this should rarely be necessary for container images if they are used in the way intended. If you do change the ENTRYPOINT, you’ll almost certainly need to set a custom CMD too. Otherwise, your new ENTRYPOINT is likely to receive arguments it doesn’t understand.

Separating these two instructions, instead of offering a single one that defines both the command and arguments, makes Docker container images more flexible.

Specifically, the relationship between ENTRYPOINT and CMD simplifies the containerization of executable command-line apps. In this case, the same binary should be run on every invocation but with different user-supplied arguments. The image author can set the ENTRYPOINT to the binary’s location and then allow the user to directly execute sub-commands through docker run.

For example, instead of typing docker run my-app:latest /usr/bin/my-app version, users can execute docker run my-app:latest version — the version CMD set in the docker run command is automatically appended to the image’s ENTRYPOINT of /usr/bin/my-app.

The table below summarizes the differences between Docker ENTRYPOINT and CMD:

Purpose Specifies the main command that always runs Default command or arguments that can be overridden
Overridable Partially overridable (via docker run --entrypoint) Fully overridable by arguments to docker run
Use Case Used when you want a container to execute a specific command consistently Used for default behavior that can be changed during runtime
Syntax ENTRYPOINT ["executable", "arg1", "arg2"] (shell form: ENTRYPOINT command arg1 arg2) CMD ["executable", "arg1", "arg2"] (shell form: CMD command arg1 arg2)
Combining with Args Works well with CMD to define default arguments Typically overridden when ENTRYPOINT is used
Typical Examples ENTRYPOINT ["python"] to always run Python CMD [""] as a default script to execute with Python

Unlike the Docker CMD instruction, which can be overridden when the container is run, the ENTRYPOINT instruction is more rigidly fixed. However, it can still accept additional arguments passed at runtime.

When to use ENTRYPOINT vs CMD?

ENTRYPOINT should be used when you want to define a container’s main application or command, ensuring it always runs regardless of additional CMD parameters. It allows for overriding arguments but not the command itself, making it ideal for scripts or tools that expect arguments.

Use CMD to provide default arguments or commands that can be overridden when running the container. It’s best suited for simple containers where flexibility in specifying commands is needed during runtime.

However, when you’re writing a Dockerfile, it’s good practice to set both ENTRYPOINT and CMD. Follow the rules described above to decide which values to assign. Here’s a recap:

  • ENTRYPOINT should be the path to the process that will be executed inside the container.
  • CMD should be the default argument to pass to that command (if any).

Incorrectly setting CMD instead of ENTRYPOINT is a common mistake. While your image will usually still work — because Docker defaults to using /bin/sh -c as the ENTRYPOINT — end users won’t be able to directly pass arguments to your binary using docker run. They’ll need to pass the full path to the binary instead, as the container’s ENTRYPOINT process will be /bin/sh -c instead of your own app.

Example 1: Using Docker ENTRYPOINT

Let’s try a few different examples of using ENTRYPOINT and CMD.

First, here’s a Dockerfile that uses ENTRYPOINT alone:

FROM alpine:latest

Build the image:

$ docker build -t entrypoint-demo:latest .

Then start a container:

$ docker run entrypoint-demo:latest

The ENTRYPOINT instruction means Docker runs the ls command when the container starts. As no CMD is set, the command is called without arguments.

You can pass arguments directly through to the command by appending them to your docker run statement:

$ docker run entrypoint-demo:latest -alh
total 64K    
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Jul 26 18:38 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Jul 26 18:38 ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           0 Jul 26 18:38 .dockerenv
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        4.0K Jun 14 15:03 bin
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root         340 Jul 26 18:38 dev
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Jul 26 18:38 etc
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        4.0K Jun 14 15:03 home

Everything after the image name gets passed to the ENTRYPOINT as its arguments, resulting in ls -alh being called in the container. You didn’t have to type ls as part of your docker run command, demonstrating that ENTRYPOINT means users don’t need to know what a container’s binary is or where it’s stored.

Example 2: Using Docker CMD

Now replace your Dockerfile with the following content:

FROM alpine:latest
CMD ["ls"]

Build and run the new image:

$ docker build -t cmd-demo:latest .

$ docker run cmd-demo:latest

The output is the same as before. Because no ENTRYPOINT is set, the CMD of ls is appended to the default ENTRYPOINT, resulting in /bin/sh -c "ls" being executed — the ls command still runs, but as a shell subprocess.

Now observe what happens if you try to pass arguments to the ls command via docker run:

$ docker run cmd-demo:latest -alh
docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "-alh": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown.
ERRO[0000] error waiting for container:

This doesn’t work because ls isn’t the ENTRYPOINT. The -alh is passed as an argument to the default /bin/sh -c entrypoint, which results in the container’s shell trying to evaluate -alh as a command.

Example 3: Using ENTRYPOINT and CMD together

As mentioned above, it’s a good practice to use ENTRYPOINT and CMD together.

Let’s try using both ENTRYPOINT and CMD in your Docker image:

FROM alpine:latest
CMD ["-alh"]

Build and run the image:

$ docker build -t entrypoint-cmd-demo:latest .

$ docker run entrypoint-cmd-demo:latest
total 64K    
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Jul 26 18:46 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Jul 26 18:46 ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           0 Jul 26 18:46 .dockerenv
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        4.0K Jun 14 15:03 bin
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root         340 Jul 26 18:46 dev
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        4.0K Jul 26 18:46 etc
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        4.0K Jun 14 15:03 home

This time the ls command (ENTRYPOINT) is automatically called with the -alh argument (CMD).

You can still supply custom arguments instead by overriding the CMD with docker run:

$ docker run entrypoint-cmd-demo:latest -p --full-time
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 2023-06-14 15:03:40 +0000 bin/
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root           340 2023-07-26 18:48:50 +0000 dev/
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          4096 2023-07-26 18:48:50 +0000 etc/
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 2023-06-14 15:03:40 +0000 home/

Key points

In this article, we’ve explored the relationship between Docker’s CMD and ENTRYPOINT Dockerfile instructions. You’ve seen how ENTRYPOINT defines the process launched in containers, whereas CMD sets the default arguments for that process.

ENTRYPOINT isn’t usually overridden by end users, but CMD can easily be changed through docker run. This allows you to create container images that conveniently package command-line applications. Set your image’s ENTRYPOINT to your app’s binary, then use CMD to specify the default sub-command. Users will be able to override CMD to access your app’s other functions using docker run app-image app-command syntax.

Packaging software as a container makes it more portable, allowing you to eliminate discrepancies between environments. You can use the container on your laptop, in production, and within your CI/CD infrastructure. Take a look at how Spacelift uses Docker containers to run CI jobs.

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