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17 Best AI-Powered Coding Assistant Tools in 2024

ai coding tools

Whether you use them for for autocompleting code or help with debugging, AI-powered coding assistants can really save you time and improve your code quality. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best AI coding tools to overhaul your development process.

What is an AI coding assistant?

AI coding assistant use artificial intelligence to help developers with various coding-related tasks. They can analyze code snippets, provide suggestions,  identify bugs, offer fixes, or even generate entire code snippets based on prompts. Often embedded within integrated development environments (IDEs) or as standalone platforms, they support a wide range of programming languages. Examples of popular AI coding assistants include GitHub Copilot, Tabnine, and Microsoft IntelliCode. 

AI coding tools use large language models (LLMs) trained on vast datasets of code from various sources, such as open-source projects, repositories, programming language documentation, and tutorials. The broader the range of code they’re exposed to, the more comprehensive and accurate their understanding becomes. This allows them to identify patterns, suggest code snippets, and complete complex coding tasks.

17 best AI coding tools

The growing popularity of AI coding assistants means you have many options to choose from. Below, we’ll explore some of the best AI coding tools available.

The top AI coding assistant tools include:

  1. GitHub Copilot
  2. Tabnine 
  3. Cursor AI
  4. Sourcegraph Cody
  5. Replit
  6. Codiga
  7. Sourcery
  8. DeepCode AI (Snyk)
  9. Hugging Face
  10. Amazon SageMaker
  11. Amazon Q Developer 
  12. CodiumAI
  13. MutableAI
  14. AskCodi
  15. Microsoft IntelliCode
  16. CodeGeeX
  17. OpenAI Codex

1. GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code completion tool developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. It helps developers by suggesting whole lines or blocks of code as they type. Integrating directly into code editors like Visual Studio Code, GitHub Codespaces, JetBrains IDEs, and Neovim, GitHub Copilot provides real-time suggestions based on the context of the code being written.

Key features

  • Multiple language support: GitHub Copilot is versatile, supporting many programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Go, and more. It is particularly effective in languages with large amounts of publicly available code.
  • Customizable and interactive: Developers are not locked into the suggestions that Copilot provides. They can accept, reject, or modify the suggestions, making it a flexible tool for coding assistance rather than a replacement for human creativity and oversight.
  • GitHub Copilot Chat: The chat feature allows developers to collaborate more interactively with the AI, asking questions, getting clarifications, and refining their understanding of the code.


  • Individual, Business, and Enterprise plans starting at $10 per month
  • Free for students, teachers, and verified open-source maintainers


Example use case: How to Use GitHub Copilot for Terraform Infrastructure

For and against

  • With access to best practices and patterns, the quality of the code can improve as Copilot offers suggestions based on thousands of similar examples. 
  • Since Copilot is trained on public repositories, the risk associated with security vulnerabilities or licensing issues is reduced.

2. Tabnine

Tabnine is a privacy-focused AI-powered code completion tool that increases coding speed and code quality and offers the flexibility of both local and cloud-based AI models. It helps developers by providing intelligent, context-aware code suggestions. Supporting over 80 programming languages and frameworks, it integrates with most major IDEs.

Key features

  • Context-aware suggestions: Tabnine offers code suggestions relevant to the current project
  • Local and Cloud models: It offers both cloud-based and local models. The cloud-based models leverage Tabnine’s AI trained on large datasets, while local models allow developers to keep everything on their own machine, which is beneficial for privacy-sensitive or proprietary projects.
  • Team-level AI models: Tabnine offers team-trained models for teams. These models learn from the shared codebase used by a development team, meaning the suggestions reflect the coding standards, patterns, and frameworks specific to the team.


  • Free version with basic AI code completions and suggestions for individual developers
  • Pro and Enterprise plans starting at $12 per user per month


For and against

  • Tabnine supports both cloud-based and local models, allowing developers to choose between cloud-powered suggestions or keeping everything on their local machine for enhanced privacy and security.
  • The free version of Tabnine offers fewer advanced features than the Pro and Enterprise versions, which may limit its functionality for power users.

3. Cursor AI

ai coding tools cursor ai

Cursor AI is an AI-powered coding assistant designed to improve the efficiency of software development. Both beginners and experienced developer will find it useful because it automates repetitive coding tasks, reduces errors, and provides refactoring suggestions. Its primary goal is to streamline the coding process and improve overall code quality.

Key features

  • AI-powered code suggestions: By offering intelligent, real-time code suggestions based on the context of what you’re writing, Cursor AI can help prevent common errors and accelerate coding speed.
  • Autocomplete and syntax correction: Cursor AI provides autocompletion to help developers write code faster, and it also checks for syntax errors, ensuring that the code follows best practices.
  • Collaboration tools: Cursor AI enables multiple developers to work together in real time, sharing code suggestions and debugging solutions. It also integrates well with popular version control systems, including Git


  • Hobby plan – Free version with limited features
  • Pro and Business plans starting at $20 per month


For and against

  • Cursor AI is great for automating mundane tasks like autocompleting code, identifying syntax errors, and offering suggestions for better code structure,
  • While Cursor AI may struggle with more creative or abstract coding problems where human insight is critical. 

4. Sourcegraph Cody

An AI coding assistant developed by Sourcegraph, Cody is designed to help developers by providing intelligent code suggestions, automating repetitive tasks, and improving code search and comprehension. It integrates with Sourcegraph’s code intelligence platform, allowing developers to search, understand, and generate code within their workflow. 

It is ideal for enterprises and teams that need robust privacy controls and scalable search capabilities.

Key features

  • Code search integration: One of Cody’s standout features is its deep integration with Sourcegraph’s code search. It can be used to find, navigate, and reference code across large and complex codebases, even in different repositories. 
  • Codebase understanding: Cody leverages Sourcegraph’s indexing and cross-repository code intelligence to provide suggestions based on public datasets and your own code.
  • Cross-repository insights: Developers can use Cody to quickly understand how similar functions or components are implemented across different parts of a large, multi-repo project, which can drastically improve both collaboration and consistency across teams.


  • Free version for individual developers with basic access to AI-powered code suggestions
  • Pro and Enterprise plans starting at $9 per month


For and against

  • Cody goes beyond simple code completion by providing cross-repository insights and project-wide code comprehension, making it exceptionally useful for developers working on large-scale projects or within enterprise environments. 
  • Cody is highly beneficial for large codebases, but it may take some time for the AI to fully learn and adapt to very complex, enterprise-level projects. Initial setup and integration with private environments may also require effort.

5. Replit

Replit is an online, browser-based integrated development environment (IDE) and collaborative coding platform that allows developers to write, test, and deploy code in multiple programming languages. 

Unlike traditional desktop IDEs, Replit’s cloud-based platform combines coding, collaboration, and deployment into a single, seamless environment. The platform integrates AI-driven tools that allow developers to leverage intelligent suggestions and code generation from anywhere, making the development process faster and more intuitive.

Key features

  • Ghostwriter AI assistant: At the core of Replit’s AI coding features is Ghostwriter, an AI-powered coding assistant. Ghostwriter analyzes the context of the code and provides intelligent code suggestions, autocompletions, and debugging assistance. It operates in real time, offering developers contextual code generation and insights as they type.
  • Learning from code patterns: Ghostwriter improves over time by learning from the developer’s codebase. The more you use Replit, the better the AI assistant becomes at recognizing your coding style and offering relevant suggestions that match your patterns.
  • Collaborative coding with AI assistance: Replit’s Multiplayer Mode, combined with AI, enables teams to collaborate on the same codebase in real-time. Multiple developers can work together while benefiting from Ghostwriter’s code suggestions.


  • Free Starter plan
  • Replit Core, Teams, and Enterprise plans starting at $10 per month


For and against

  • Multiplayer mode, combined with AI, allows teams to collaborate seamlessly on the same project, with personalized AI suggestions for each user.
  • Replit is cloud-based, so performance can sometimes depend on internet connectivity and compute resources, which might be insufficient for larger projects on lower-tier plans.

6. Codiga

Codiga is an AI-powered coding assistant and static code analysis tool designed to help developers write cleaner, safer, and more efficient code. It integrates into popular IDEs and code repositories to provide intelligent code suggestions, automate repetitive coding tasks, and enforce best practices through its static analysis capabilities.

Key features

  • Static code analysis: One of Codiga’s best features is its ability to perform real-time static code analysis. This means Codiga continuously checks for bugs, code smells, security vulnerabilities, and inefficiencies as you write code. 
  • AI-powered code suggestions: Codiga offers intelligent code completions that can autocomplete entire lines or code blocks. These suggestions are context-aware, meaning Codiga understands the structure of the code you’re writing and tailors its recommendations based on best practices for the specific language or framework you’re using.
  • Reusable code snippets (Recipes): This tool allows developers to create and share code snippets, known as recipes, that can be reused across different projects. These recipes can be tailored to specific coding patterns, algorithms, or team coding standards


  • A free tier with access to the core features for individual developers and small teams.
  • Teams plan


For and against

  • The biggest advantage of using Codiga is its powerful combination of AI-driven code suggestions and real-time static code analysis, which actively helps prevent bugs, security vulnerabilities, and performance issues as code is being written.
  • Configuring custom rules and fine-tuning the static analysis engine to match specific team or project guidelines can require some initial setup and learning, particularly for larger teams.

7. Sourcery

Sourcery is an AI code review and refactoring tool designed to improve code quality by automatically suggesting and implementing refactorings that follow best practices. Unlike other code suggestion tools that primarily focus on autocompletion, Sourcery specifically enhances code readability, efficiency, and maintainability by offering real-time refactoring suggestions.

Key features

  • Real-time refactoring suggestions: Sourcery actively analyzes your code as you type and provides suggestions to improve it. This could involve simplifying complex logic, breaking down large functions, removing redundant code, or following better coding standards.
  • Best practice implementation: The tool incorporates a wide range of coding best practices, automatically enforcing cleaner and more efficient coding patterns. Sourcery refines your code by adhering to principles like the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) rule, making it more modular and reducing technical debt over time.
  • Automated code reviews: Sourcery integrates with GitHub and GitLab to provide automated code reviews as part of your CI/CD pipeline. It helps maintain high code quality across a team by flagging areas that need improvement before the code is merged, reducing the time spent in manual code reviews.


  • Free to use for open-source projects
  • Pro and Enterprise plans starting at $12 per user per month


For and against

  • Sourcery’s focus on code quality through automated refactoring reduces technical debt, speeds up development time, and minimizes bugs by enforcing consistency and best practices across the board.
  • Although Sourcery is excellent for Python developers, it does not offer full support for other languages yet. For teams or developers working in other languages, alternatives like Tabnine or GitHub Copilot might offer more comprehensive language support.

8. DeepCode AI (Snyk)

DeepCode AI (now part of Snyk) is an advanced AI code analysis tool designed to help developers identify and fix security vulnerabilities, code quality issues, and bugs in real-time. DeepCode leverages machine learning and AI to analyze codebases and provide intelligent suggestions for improving the security, performance, and maintainability of the code.

Key features

  • Real-time vulnerability detection: DeepCode provides real-time detection of security vulnerabilities, helping developers identify and fix issues as they write code. It can detect vulnerabilities like SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other critical issues that might compromise the security of an application.
  • Integration with Snyk: Since being acquired by Snyk, DeepCode is now integrated into the Snyk platform, adding advanced security features like open-source dependency scanning, container security, and infrastructure-as-code security.
  • Security-focused analysis: DeepCode offers in-depth analysis of the security aspects of code. It understands coding patterns that could potentially be exploited by attackers and suggests preventive measures, making it an essential tool for improving the security posture of any application.


  • Free plan with basic vulnerability detection and automated code analysis for individual developers or small teams
  • Team and Enterprise plans starting at $25 per month per product


For and against

  • The biggest advantage of using DeepCode AI (Snyk) is its AI-driven, real-time vulnerability detection and code analysis, which focuses on security and code quality.
  • In some cases, scanning large codebases with DeepCode can take longer, especially when combined with Snyk’s additional security layers. While this ensures thorough analysis, it can be a concern for teams working on very large projects.

9. Hugging Face

ai coding tools hugging face

Hugging Face is an open-source machine learning platform that specializes in natural language processing (NLP) and offers tools and models for various AI applications. Hugging Face is best known for its state-of-the-art NLP models and its role in the development of open-source transformers, but it has also become an essential resource for developers working with AI code generation and machine learning integration in coding projects.

Key features

  • Pre-trained AI models: Hugging Face provides a vast repository of pre-trained AI models for different applications, including text generation, sentiment analysis, translation, and code generation. These models, particularly the transformer-based models, can be fine-tuned or used out-of-the-box for coding tasks such as generating code from natural language descriptions or predicting the next lines of code in a given context.
  • In-browser AI coding environment: Hugging Face also offers Spaces, a platform where developers can create and deploy machine learning apps, including AI coding environments.
  • Code generation and completion: Hugging Face’s advanced models, such as CodeGen (part of the GPT-3 family but optimized for code), can generate entire blocks of code or provide completions for unfinished code segments.


  • Free tier
  • Pro and Enterprise plans starting at $9/month


For and against

  • Hugging Face’s strongest features are its extensive library of pre-trained, open-source models and its community-driven platform.
  • Although Hugging Face provides access to powerful models, the size and complexity of some models can limit performance, especially when working in resource-constrained environments. Larger models may require significant computational power.

10. Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is a comprehensive, fully managed service provided by AWS (Amazon Web Services) that enables data scientists, developers, and machine learning (ML) engineers to build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale.  

Amazon SageMaker isn’t an AI code completion tool like GitHub Copilot or Tabnine, but it serves as a powerful environment for developing and deploying custom machine learning models, including those that can be used for AI coding assistance tasks, such as code suggestion, autocompletion, bug fixing, and more advanced AI-driven development tasks.

Key features

  • AutoML capabilities (SageMaker Autopilot): SageMaker Autopilot allows users to build machine learning models automatically without having to write extensive code. It is highly useful for developers who may not be experts in machine learning but need assistance in automating the creation, training, and tuning of models for tasks such as code completion or bug prediction.
  • Hyperparameter tuning: SageMaker offers automatic hyperparameter tuning, ensuring that the models used for AI coding assistance are optimized for performance. By fine-tuning hyperparameters, developers can improve the accuracy and speed of AI models that suggest code completions or identify errors.
  • Managed and scalable infrastructure: Amazon SageMaker handles the underlying infrastructure needed to run machine learning workloads, allowing developers to focus on building models without worrying about server management. 

Pricing: Pay-as-you-go pricing model


For and against

  • SageMaker’s ability to handle large datasets, provide pre-built algorithms, and allow real-time inference makes it an ideal platform for developing coding assistants that can support complex code generation, bug fixing, and intelligent coding suggestions.
  • SageMaker is cost-effective for large-scale deployments, but the pay-as-you-go model can lead to high costs if not carefully managed, particularly for long training jobs or large datasets.

11. Amazon Q Developer

Amazon Q Developer is a generative AI-powered assistant designed by AWS to assist developers throughout the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC). Built on top of Amazon Bedrock, it enhances productivity by automating repetitive tasks, providing real-time code suggestions, and offering solutions for debugging, planning, and upgrading code.

Key features

  • Conversational AI assistant: Amazon Q Developer allows developers to ask questions about AWS services, architecture, and best practices in a natural language format. 
  • AWS Integration: You can generate cloud-native solutions, optimize AWS resource usage, and get assistance with tasks such as setting up AWS services (e.g., Lambda, S3, API Gateway) and creating efficient data pipelines using natural language instructions.
  • Cost and resource management: Beyond code generation, Amazon Q also helps analyze AWS resource usage and costs, integrating with AWS Cost Explorer to provide cost insights.


  • Free tier
  • Amazon Q Developer Pro Tier – $19 per month per user


Amazon CodeWhisperer example: How to Use Amazon CodeWhisperer (AI Code Generator)

For and against

  • Amazon Q is highly optimized for developers working within the AWS environment, assisting with tasks such as setting up services, managing infrastructure, and implementing cloud-native solutions.
  • However, Amazon Q’s utility outside the AWS ecosystem is limited compared to more general-purpose AI code tools.

12. CodiumAI

ai coding tools github codiumai

CodiumAI is an AI-powered tool designed to improve code quality by automatically generating 

unit tests, analyzing code behavior, and offering actionable insights. Unlike traditional AI code assistants focused on code completion, CodiumAI specializes in helping developers write reliable, bug-free code by ensuring comprehensive test coverage and identifying potential issues early. 

Key features

  • AI-generated test cases: CodiumAI’s primary function is to automatically generate test cases that are specific to the logic of your code. It understands the code’s structure and intent, generating meaningful tests to ensure that the code behaves as expected under various scenarios.
  • Context-aware testing: CodiumAI analyzes the specific context of the code to create targeted tests. Instead of generic tests, the tool examines the purpose of the code and creates unit tests that match the intended functionality, ensuring that all edge cases and logical paths are covered.
  • Test coverage insights: CodiumAI provides insights into how well your code is covered by tests. It highlights areas that lack sufficient testing and recommends additional test cases


  • Free Developer plan
  • Teams and Enterprise plan starting at $19 per month per user


For and against

  • CodiumAI automates and streamlines the process of writing test cases, which can be time-consuming and prone to human error. 
  • Currently, CodiumAI supports a limited set of programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, and C++. This may limit its usefulness for developers working with less common or specialized languages, though support for more languages may be added in the future.

13. MutableAI

ai coding tools mutableai

MutableAI is an AI-powered code assistant designed to streamline the coding process by offering intelligent code suggestions, refactoring, and autocompletion features. It helps developers write, optimize, and maintain code with greater efficiency and accuracy.

Key features

  • Code refactoring: Beyond simple code suggestions, MutableAI helps with code refactoring and optimization. Developers can use it to simplify complex code structures, reduce technical debt, and improve code readability by automatically identifying areas where code can be refactored for better performance or clarity.
  • Learning from your codebase: MutableAI can be trained on your specific project or team’s codebase, allowing it to provide personalized suggestions that match your coding style, preferred libraries, and frameworks.
  • Automated code documentation: MutableAI helps with writing clean, maintainable code by offering suggestions for adding comments and documentation. 


  • Free for open-source
  • Basic, Premium, and Enterprise plans


For and against

  • Advanced code refactoring capabilities and error detection with a focus on enhancing code quality ensure that  MutableAI is optimized, maintainable, and as simple as possible.
  • MutableAI can learn from your codebase and offer personalized suggestions, but setting up the tool for large-scale projects or teams may require some initial customization to get the best results.

14. AskCodi

ai coding tools askcodi

AskCodi is an AI-powered code assistant designed to increase developer productivity by providing real-time code suggestions, automating repetitive tasks, and offering context-aware solutions. It supports multiple languages and is built to streamline the development process by enabling quick access to code snippets, documentation, and debugging advice. 

Key features

  • Natural language queries: AskCodi can interpret natural language queries. Developers can ask AskCodi questions in plain English, such as “How do I create a function in Python that reads a CSV file?” and it will provide the corresponding code.
  • Snippet repository: AskCodi provides access to a rich repository of commonly used code snippets, enabling developers to quickly insert reusable code blocks. 
  • Code documentation: AskCodi offers a code documentation feature that generates comments and documentation for the code automatically.


  • Free with basic code completion features and access to the code snippet repository
  • Ultimate and premium plans starting at $34.99 per month


For and against

  • The tool can interpret natural language queries and provide context-aware code suggestions, making it a powerful tool for both experienced developers and those learning new programming languages. 
  • Although it is effective at providing code suggestions, the accuracy of its completions can depend on the context and specific language. In some niche or highly complex scenarios, the suggestions might not always be perfect and may require some manual adjustment.

15. Microsoft IntelliCode

ai coding tools intellicode

Microsoft IntelliCode is an AI-assisted code completion tool designed to enhance developer productivity by providing intelligent suggestions and recommendations directly within the development environment. 

Built into Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, IntelliCode leverages machine learning models to deliver context-aware code suggestions based on your code, common patterns, and best practices from thousands of open-source repositories.

Key features

  • Hotspots identification: IntelliCode highlights areas of your code that it recognizes as “hotspots,” where developers commonly focus their efforts. These areas often involve complex logic, frequent modifications, or critical business functionality, allowing you to pay closer attention to these parts of your code.
  • Machine learning trained on best practices: IntelliCode’s AI is trained on thousands of high-quality, open-source repositories from GitHub with high star ratings. This allows it to provide recommendations based on best practices and common patterns observed across the development community.
  • Code formatting: IntelliCode assists with automatic code formatting based on best practices. It ensures your code is aligned with standard conventions for your programming language

Pricing: Available for free as part of Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.


For and against

  • Microsoft IntelliCode’s strong points are its tight integration with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code and its ability to provide contextual code recommendations that align with best practices.
  • However, developers who prefer other environments may find it limiting. IntelliCode is primarily focused on Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, making it less accessible for developers using other IDEs.

16. CodeGeeX

CodeGeeX is an AI code generation tool that assists developers by providing intelligent code suggestions, autocompletion, and other productivity-enhancing features. It is designed to support multiple programming languages and seamlessly integrates with popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). 

Key features

  • AI-powered code generation: CodeGeeX leverages a powerful AI model to analyze a developer’s code and provide smart suggestions. These can include entire lines of code, blocks, or function templates, greatly speeding up the development process and reducing errors.
  • Support for multiple programming languages: CodeGeeX supports a wide variety of programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, Go, and others. 
  • Cloud-based model: CodeGeeX operates via a cloud-based AI model, providing high-quality code suggestions without the need for significant local resources.

Pricing: Free for individual users


For and against

  • It is highly flexible, accommodating multiple languages and coding environments.
  • The cloud-based model may present a challenge for developers working in environments with strict data privacy requirements, as they may prefer a local deployment option.

17. OpenAI Codex

OpenAI Codex is an AI model developed by OpenAI, designed to assist with code generation and understanding. It serves as the foundation for tools like GitHub Copilot, providing a powerful resource for developers by interpreting natural language instructions and converting them into executable code.

Codex can still generate code and assist with programming tasks, but it is no longer being actively developed or supported as a standalone product. OpenAI recommends users switch to the more advanced GPT-3.5 Turbo or GPT-4, both of which are capable of handling programming tasks more effectively than Codex. These models have proven to be more general-purpose while still offering strong coding capabilities.

How does Spacelift improve developer velocity?

Spacelift is an infrastructure orchestration platform that improves your developer velocity by offering a powerful policy engine based on OPA, self-service infrastructure, and the ability to build multi-tool workflows with dependencies and output sharing. Spacelift has its own Terraform/OpenTofu provider, and also its own Kubernetes operator which makes it ideal to pair it with an AI-powered coding assistant.

You can easily make AI-powered coding assistants generate Spacelift Terraform/OpenTofu/Kubernetes code, by showing them how you would like to have the code generated (for example, you want to use for_each on your resources and map(objects) variables when you are using Terraform/OpenTofu). 

Read more about how Spacelift can help you with your infrastructure orchestration workflows here.

Pros and cons of using AI coding tools

AI programming tools are becoming increasingly popular, offering assistance and speeding up workflows. However, you should be aware of their advantages and limitations. Let’s look at some pros and cons of using AI coding assistants.

Benefits of using AI coding tools:

Enhanced efficiency AI programming tools allow developers to work faster by automating repetitive or time-consuming tasks. This means they can focus more on the creative and complex aspects of programming while the AI handles mundane code generation.
Error detection and debugging assistance One of the major strengths of AI tools is their ability to identify errors as the code is written. By providing real-time error detection, these tools help programmers spot mistakes early, saving time that would otherwise be spent on debugging later. 
Access to advanced learning resources AI code assistants provide valuable learning resources by providing developers with coding suggestions, examples, and explanations. These tools can act like a tutor for beginners, offering guidance on best practices. For seasoned developers, AI offers a way to learn new techniques and stay updated with evolving programming trends.

Disadvantages of using AI coding tools:

Over-reliance on AI assistance It’s risky to rely too heavily on AI. IDepending on AI for coding suggestions without fully understanding the underlying logic could hinder developers’ growth and problem-solving abilities. Over time, this reliance may prevent them from developing strong independent coding skills.
Security and privacy concerns Many AI coding tools require access to cloud-based platforms, raising concerns about the security and privacy of the code being shared. Sensitive information could potentially be exposed during the process, leading to data breaches or security vulnerabilities. Developers need to be cautious, especially when handling confidential or proprietary code.
Lack of contextual understanding AI tools, though powerful, often lack the depth of understanding required for highly complex or context-dependent problems. They work well for standard coding tasks but may offer inaccurate or irrelevant suggestions for projects with unique requirements. This can result in developers needing to revise or even discard AI-generated code that doesn’t align with the broader project goals.

Key points

AI coding tools can assist with everything from autocompleting code to fixing bugs, and they’re particularly helpful in reducing repetitive tasks. 

Using AI coding tools is a double-edged sword: If you know what you are doing, they can greatly enhance your development speed and your time to market, but the debugging process can get cumbersome if you lack experience. No AI tool will build exactly what you need without a good prompt, and it will certainly not generate production-ready, bug-free code from the first few iterations, so you will need to constantly provide new prompts, or fix the issues yourself.

When selecting an AI coding tool, consider factors like your preferred programming languages, the tool’s integration with your development environment, privacy concerns (such as whether local models are used), and whether you’re working solo or with a team. The ideal AI coding assistant should fit seamlessly into your workflow, boost productivity, and meet the specific needs of your project or organization.

Accelerate Developer Velocity

Overworked Infrastructure teams slow down projects. Give developers the ability to self-provision with controls that reduce bottlenecks and time to market. Spacelift helps orchestrate your entire infrastructure pipeline (Terraform, OpenTofu, Ansible and more) to deliver secure, cost-effective, and high-performance infrastructure.

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