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Top 47 DevOps Statistics 2024: Growth, Benefits, and Trends

DevOps Statistics

Any organization working to become more agile, efficient, and competitive in the digital age needs to be aware of the key trends in DevOps. Knowing what is happening in this area can help businesses improve their software development processes, reduce time to market, and create products and services that not just meet but anticipate their customers’ needs.

In this article, we present some of the most important and useful DevOps statistics in various categories.

Top DevOps statistics

top devops stats infographic
  • The DevOps market is expected to grow from an estimated $10.4 billion in 2023 to $25.5 billion in 2028.
  • Organizations with a DevOps culture can invest 33% more time in infrastructure improvements.
  • North America is the largest DevOps market, with 38.5% of the global market in 2023.
  • 99% of organizations that have implemented DevOps have reported positive effects. 
  • 61% of organizations report that DevOps has enhanced the quality of their deliverables.
  • DevOps is the most popular process framework in IT organizations, used by 49% of those surveyed
  • Asked to name the biggest technical skills gap in their teams, 37% of IT leaders said  DevOps and DevSecOps.

What is DevOps?

DevOps describes a culture and methodology that seeks to encourage closer collaboration between developers and IT operations. It speeds up software development, enhances the product, and optimizes efficiency, making organizations more competitive.

Modern development and operations teams rely heavily on each other, avoiding the silo approach that was common in more traditional setups. Each contributor needs to work well together to ensure the overall system is optimized to meet rapidly changing market demands, technological advancements, and more sophisticated security threats.

DevOps adoption statistics

Organizations adopt DevOps practices for various reasons — from improving efficiency and collaboration to bolstering security and speeding up bug resolution. Whatever their reasons for embracing DevOps, the experience seems to be generally positive, and DevOps adoption shows no signs of slowing down.

  • 83% of IT decision-makers adopt DevOps practices as a means to generate greater business value.
  • 99% of organizations surveyed report that DevOps has had a positive effect on their organization.
  • 61% of organizations surveyed say introducing DevOps helped them improve the quality of their deliverables.
  • 49% of companies reported shorter time to market for software and services after they adopted DevOps.
  • DevOps is the top process framework among IT organizations today, used in 49% of those surveyed. (Agile is next, at 36%.) 

Benefits of DevOps statistics

Implementing DevOps methodologies and instilling a DevOps culture in your organization takes planning, time, and effort. Is it worth it? These numbers would certainly suggest so.

  • 86% of professionals favor a DevOps culture for fast software development and release.
  • Leading DevOps performers take less than a day to restore service after an incident.
  • Top DevOps teams experience change failure rates of less than 15%. 
  • DevOps practitioners deploy changes to their code multiple times a day.
  • 54% of engineers use DevOps practices to deploy containerized applications. DevOps methodologies are suited to containerization, which requires a dynamic, efficient approach to be successful. 
  • Organizations can devote 33% more time to infrastructure improvements when they have a DevOps culture in place.
  • DevOps engineers are a key hire for IT teams, with 29% having recruited one recently. 
  • 83% of developers carry out DevOps activities during their working day. 

DevOps market growth statistics

The DevOps market continues to expand, driven by several key factors. One of these is the ongoing need to shorten the software development cycle and accelerate delivery to reduce companies’ time to market. The urgency of reducing time to market is also behind the increased demand for microservices and service virtualization, which requires greater collaboration between IT and operations—a key plank of DevOps. The rise of artificial intelligence and its use in application development is another factor driving the growth of the DevOps market.

  • The DevOps market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 19.7% from an estimated $10.4 billion in 2023 to $25.5 billion in 2028.
  • North America is the largest DevOps market, with 38.5% of the global market in 2023.
  • 61.21% (132,180) of companies that use DevOps services technology software are from the United States.
  • 8.77% (18,950) of companies using DevOps are from the United Kingdom.
  • 6.8% (14,685) of companies that use DevOps are from India.

DevOps technologies statistics

Effective DevOps tooling technologies, frameworks, and platforms can facilitate DevOps success. There are hundreds of options available in everything from version control systems and code repository management to application deployment and progressive delivery. Here are some of the bigger players:

  • Amazon AWS

AWS offers a set of flexible services for building and delivering products using AWS and DevOps practices. With a 31% market share, AWS continues to dominate the cloud computing market.

  • Docker

The platform-as-a-service (PaaS) tool Docker enables DevOps players to deliver software in packages known as containers. It is used in DevOps workflows to create automated build and deployment workflows. Docker accounts for more than 32% of the containerization technologies market.

  • Microsoft Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is an all-in-one CI/CD platform that encompasses everything required for software delivery in one place. Azure’s DevOps Projects module has a share of 13.62% in the DevOps services market.

DevOps activities statistics

Although DevOps-related activities extend across a wide range of IT sectors — from the industrial Internet of Things to gaming — the duties of a DevOps engineer will generally center on ensuring the organization’s IT infrastructure operates smoothly. DevOps skills encompass development and operations and must also include good interpersonal skills to get siloed teams to work well together. A DevOps practitioner’s working day will usually involve some combination of release engineering, infrastructure provisioning and management, system administration, security, and DevOps advocacy. 

  • 83% of developers perform DevOps activities.
  • 30% monitor software and/or infrastructure performance.
  • 29% approve code deployments to production
  • 29% test their code for security vulnerabilities.
  • 27% use continuous development to automate code deployment.

DevOps engineer jobs and skills statistics

DevOps is both a culture and an advanced technology solution, so successfully implementing it requires a refined set of skills. This means that qualified DevOps engineers continue to be in high demand. Employers are looking for individuals with technical skills that align with their business goals and who can integrate development and operations teams. How they source those DevOps experts varies, with some relying on external hires and others focusing on upskilling their existing staff. 

  • 37% of IT leaders report a lack of skills in DevOps and DevSecOps as the top technical skills gap in their team.
  • 68% of IT teams have an upskilling program in place, up from 30% in 2020.
  • 29% of IT teams have recently hired a DevOps engineer, topping the roles being recruited. 
  • The most popular skills in the DevOps tech stack are:
    • Docker (42.77%)
    • Kubernetes (28.02%)
    • AWS (12.1%)
    • Linux (9.17%)
    • Bash (4.44%)
  • Average annual salaries for DevOps engineers range from $83,710 for those with a year of experience to $126,399 for three to five years of experience. 

DevOps CI/CD statistics

Continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices underpin modern DevOps. They are designed to enhance collaboration between developers and operations teams and increase software delivery and quality. 

  • The continuous integration tools market is valued at $1.4 billion and is anticipated to expand to $3.72 billion by 2029 at a CAGR of 21.18%.
  • Jenkins dominates the CI/CD tools market, with a share of 46.35%
  • Atlassian Bitbucket has 18.61% of the market. 
  • CircleCI has a 5.72% market share.

DevSecOps statistics

DevSecOps adds security to the DevOps mix, encouraging collaboration among developers, security specialists, and operation teams to build efficient and secure software. The aim is to build security into the product from the outset.

  • The DevSecOps market was valued at $3.73 billion in 2021.
  • It is forecast to reach $41.66 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 30.76%. 
  • The number of survey respondents using DevSecOps when developing software rose from 27% in 2020 to 36% today.
  • The endpoint security functional market is forecast to have the strongest growth in the DevSecOps solutions market. Encompassing container and Kubernetes security scanning solutions and cloud security posture management (CSPM), it is anticipated to grow from 21% of the market to 33% in 2027.

Top DevOps challenges statistics

Introducing an effective DevOps culture brings undeniable benefits, but the process is not pain-free. A key challenge is simply finding people with the skills you need to implement DevOps, but other challenges include resistance to introducing a new culture, dealing with legacy systems, and determining how to measure success.  

  • 45% of DevOps leaders encounter cultural resistance as a major impediment.
  • 31% of DevOps leaders said a lack of skilled resources is their biggest challenge.
  • Legacy systems and infrastructure are a problem for 29% of DevOps leaders
  • Other issues include a lack of tool integration, the difficulty of selecting the appropriate metrics to measure success, and the challenge of security and compliance.

Key companies leveraging DevOps

Companies of all kinds are discovering how DevOps can shorten development cycles, increase deployment frequency, reduce time to market, and prompt positive cultural change within an organization. Here are some of the leading companies delivering on the potential of DevOps:


Within a year of moving to a DevOps approach, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, engineers at Amazon were able to deploy code on average every 11.7 seconds.


Netflix is setting new standards in its approach to DevOps. It developed the Simian Army, a set of automated tools that enable Netflix to identify and resolve vulnerabilities before they affect customers.


DevOps has transformed the culture at Target. It hosts DevOpsDays for its internal teams and evangelizes DevOps in the business community by sponsoring Minneapolis DevOpsDays meetups.

Future DevOps trends

The field of DevOps is constantly evolving, so anticipating new trends is akin to trying to hit a moving target. Nonetheless, we expect the following themes to dominate DevOps in the coming years:

Emphasis on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Not surprisingly, considering the explosion of AI technology, DevOps is likely to intensify the incorporation of AI and machine learning into the software development life cycle. Advances in AI technology pave the way for more predictive analytics in code development, automated testing, and intelligent monitoring in operations.

Increased productivity

DevOps teams will continue to focus on extracting maximum value from their tools to automate tedious, repetitive tasks so that they can concentrate on more valuable aspects of development and operations. The shift to remote working is encouraging tools and practices that support remote collaboration and communication. 

Integration with cloud and microservices architecture

DevOps will continue to align more closely with cloud and microservices architectures, driving greater efficiencies. Cloud infrastructure eliminates the cost of physical servers and is scalable and flexible. Microservices enable fast development, testing, and deployment of independent components without disrupting the entire system. 

Focus on security

Data leaks, permission inadequacies, and faulty plugins are likely to continue to pose serious security risks for software. Security can be bolstered through DevSecOps practices like backup and monitoring will future-proof themselves.

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