[Webinar] Policy-as-Code for Secure, Resilient Infrastructure
Automotive digital marketplace
TrueCar, Inc. is a leading automotive digital marketplace that lets auto buyers and sellers connect to its nationwide network of Certified Dealers.
Software developer Yongjie Lim spoke to us about the SRE team at TrueCar and their intensive efforts to transform their IaC strategy.
Yongjie gets straight to the point. “Our IaC strategy was sorely in need of improvement.”
The SRE team had tried and failed with different approaches to IaC in a long history of using Terraform. Initially, they configured key infrastructure concerns in separate repositories under one Terraform organization in source control and used a barebones pull request workflow consisting solely of a peer review and a basic deployment workflow. Unsurprisingly, this prompted persistent issues with drift, state inconsistencies between branches, and other configuration headaches that stymied new projects.
The SRE team tried a monorepo approach next. They separated infrastructure pieces by folder in one large repository, further subdividing each piece by AWS account deployment (qa, staging, prod, etc). Instead of using pull requests, they were expected to commit configuration changes to master and deploy them immediately. As Yongjie recalls, “this might occasionally prevent stray configurations from sticking on some month-old branch, but it still prompted similar issues when configuration and actual resources did not match. A module reference might not have been updated in source control but deployed out locally. Or code might be committed and never rolled out.” The monorepo made Terraform difficult to work through, with long-term drift making updating particularly challenging.
The situation had come to a head by the end of 2022. Exasperated and exhausted, TrueCar’s SRE team tried several IaC deployment solutions. And then they discovered Spacelift — specifically Spacelift’s documentation.
“The docs were really good, ridiculously detailed,” recalls Yongjie. As they explored the platform further, they were equally impressed by the clarity of the user interface and the flexibility of the product itself. With Spacelift’s help, TrueCar was able to devise an IaC solution tailored to their infrastructure strategy while adding much-needed visibility and guardrails to the process.
Part (i)
The first step was to manage the monorepo.
So just how did they do it? As Yongjie explains, “we manage our Terraform in a consolidated GitHub monorepo, with each folder defining a project (some infrastructure concern, such as VPC, SAML, etc). Each project is then further subdivided into deployment folders that each represent a deployment of the project to a given AWS account and/or region.” Here is an example of what the structure might look like:
└── vpc ├── README.md ├── dev │ ├── main.tf -> ../main.tf │ ├── state.tf │ └── terraform.tfvars ├── main.tf ├── prod │ ├── main.tf -> ../main.tf │ ├── state.tf │ └── terraform.tfvars ├── qa │ ├── main.tf -> ../main.tf │ ├── state.tf │ └── terraform.tfvars └── staging ├── main.tf -> ../main.tf ├── state.tf └── terraform.tfvars
Each deployment has its own dedicated vars and state file, while (usually) sharing a symlinked configuration file that references the module(s) required for the project.
To adopt the monorepo onto the platform, the TrueCar team created a central, administrator Spacelift stack responsible for managing Spacelift resources for each deployment for every project in the monorepo. Yongjie outlines how the stack works:
Part (ii)
The next challenge of adapting the monorepo to Spacelift was controlling how and when Stacks were planned and applied. Spacelift makes it easy with policies, allowing TrueCar to define these complex decisions with policy as code.
The first policy TrueCar applies to each stack is a push policy. Push policies allow control over what code commits generate plans for a given stack in Spacelift, with rules based around a fairly comprehensive event schema. TrueCar needed a policy that could trigger a Spacelift plan for a deployment whenever any files in its path changed, as well as triggering whenever a change was made to shared files in the deployment’s project subdirectories:
package spacelift track { input.push.branch == input.stack.branch } propose { affected } ignore { input.push.tag != "" } # delimiter for file path delimiter := "/" # generate all affected files directory names # use a combination of set and array comprehension # see: https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/policy-language/#comprehensions affected_dirnames := {x | x = [dirname | path := input.pull_request.diff[_] t := trim(path, delimiter) s := split(t, delimiter) dirname := concat(delimiter, array.slice(s, 0, count(s) - 1)) ][_]} # generate stack directory names stack_dirnames := {x | x = [dirname | paths := split(trim(input.stack.project_root, delimiter), delimiter) paths[i] dirname := concat(delimiter, array.slice(paths, 0, i + 1)) ][_]} # if at least one affected dir exists in stack dir, then this rule becomes True else False affected { affected_dirnames[_] == stack_dirnames[_] } # https://docs.spacelift.io/concepts/policy#sampling-policy-inputs sample { true }
Yongjie points out that “Spacelift also allows sampling policy evaluations (configured with the last block in the policy above), with a robust policy tester that allows us to iterate on this policy with live event data!”
The second policy TrueCar applied to each stack is a plan policy. Plan policies control how plans are deployed — whether they wait for manual confirmation or they autodeploy. Using a similarly exhaustive list of event attributes from the result of the terraform plan, the team was easily able to configure their stacks to automatically deploy on merges, while requiring confirmation on manual plans kicked off by a human operator (for triaging use cases).
package spacelift warn["Manually triggered runs require confirmation"]{ not is_null(input.spacelift.run.triggered_by) not startswith(input.spacelift.run.triggered_by, "api:") } sample { true }
Warn, or require confirmation, for any runs that were triggered by an individual user. This policy additionally has a stipulation for allowing graphql api-triggered runs to autodeploy, which TrueCar leverages for other automation workflows involving Spacelift stacks.
Part (iii)
The next step was to improve the process. TrueCar’s old process had inefficiencies stemming from a system that encouraged pushes to master without proper rules and reviews in place. “Spacelift helped us move to a modern, GitHub flow approach with direct VCS integration, webhooks, and drift detection that gave us the visibility and control we needed over our infrastructure,” Yongjie points out.
Yongjie is very clear about the transformation Spacelift has delivered for TrueCar: “Spacelift provided us with the flexibility, clarity, and features we needed to bring our IaC management in line with best practices, with project management and history, auto-deployment, and policies to control our infrastructure the way that works for us. And we haven’t even touched on the more advanced features that could fit a team’s use case!”
The platform is moving fast: The TrueCar team recently configured a newly-released custom overview for its stacks and stepped through a detailed changeset breakdown of a significant pull request with the platform’s improved diff visualizer.
Yongjie urges other organizations to investigate the platform. “Give Spacelift a try, or run through the docs – you may find that Spacelift is the platform your company needs to modernize your IaC strategy!”